
Union Seminary Quarterly Review, volume 2, issue 1 (1946)

"Japan's Religious Plight---And Ours" by Charles Iglehart, 3

"Church and Campus" by William G. Cole, 9

"Ibsen and Kierkegaard" by Wendell Q. Halverson, 13

"The Liberal Lobbies---How They Work" by Tom Keehn, 18

"A Letter to the Editors" by Wendell Thomas, 21

A Survey of Recent Theological Literature
"The Old Testament" by James Muilenburg, 23
"The New Testament" by John Knox, 26

The Seminary and Alumni, 28

Book Reviews, 33
William Fennell, Raymond Gibson, Stephen T. Crary, Elizabeth Cooper, A. Edwin Harper, Jr., Harry F.
Ward, Charles R. Sweet, William R. Coleman, Arthur R. McKay, Grace I. Keefer

Contributors, 27

Reviewers, 47


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Union Seminary Quarterly Review
Union Theological Seminary

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Union Theological Seminary
Union Theological Seminary
Union Seminary Quarterly Review
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October 27, 2021