Presentations (Communicative Events)

Trauma-informed teaching and learning, and self-care for higher ed faculty and staff

Marquart, Matthea S.; Harris, Jalana S.; Baez, Johanna C.; Shedrick, Dawn E.

These are our slides from a webinar for UPCEA, hosted by the Online Administration Network and held online on May 19, 2021.

Webinar abstract:
Join us for an interactive conversation that's highly relevant for our pandemic age. The panelists will share the principles of trauma-informed teaching and learning (TITL), ways to apply TITL principles to online teaching, and self-care strategies for faculty and staff. The panelists are authors of recent articles on these topics, and will invite participants to share their own examples and experiences.


  • thumnail for UPCEA webinar on trauma-informed teaching and learning, and self-care_Marquart Harris Baez Shedrick.pdf UPCEA webinar on trauma-informed teaching and learning, and self-care_Marquart Harris Baez Shedrick.pdf application/pdf 942 KB Download File

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Academic Units
Social Work
Published Here
May 25, 2021


Self-care, trauma-informed teaching and learning, online teaching, higher education faculty and staff

Marquart, M., Harris, J., Creswell Báez, J., & Shedrick, D. (2021, May 19). Trauma-Informed Teaching and Learning, and Self-Care for Higher Ed Faculty and Staff. Webinar for UPCEA. Online via Zoom.