2021 Presentations (Communicative Events)
Trauma-informed teaching and learning, and self-care for higher ed faculty and staff
These are our slides from a webinar for UPCEA, hosted by the Online Administration Network and held online on May 19, 2021.
Webinar abstract:
Join us for an interactive conversation that's highly relevant for our pandemic age. The panelists will share the principles of trauma-informed teaching and learning (TITL), ways to apply TITL principles to online teaching, and self-care strategies for faculty and staff. The panelists are authors of recent articles on these topics, and will invite participants to share their own examples and experiences.
UPCEA webinar on trauma-informed teaching and learning, and self-care_Marquart Harris Baez Shedrick.pdf application/pdf 942 KB Download File
More About This Work
- Academic Units
- Social Work
- Published Here
- May 25, 2021
Self-care, trauma-informed teaching and learning, online teaching, higher education faculty and staff
Marquart, M., Harris, J., Creswell Báez, J., & Shedrick, D. (2021, May 19). Trauma-Informed Teaching and Learning, and Self-Care for Higher Ed Faculty and Staff. Webinar for UPCEA. Online via Zoom.