A letter from Rangard of La Marche (1062, January 3)


Ermengard of Carcassonne
Rangard of La Marche



Translated letter:

In the name of the Lord. I Rangard, countess, and my son-in-law Raymond and his wife my daughter by name Ermengard and her sister Adalais, together we give to the Lord God and the monastery of St. Pons of Thomieres, and abbot Frotard and the monks serving God there present and future, the allod that is called Tonneus, and whatever viscount William of Beziers and Raymond of Roger and viscountess Garsind, and their sons Peter and William held there justly or injustly. That allod is indeed in the district of Beziers on the river Orb, near Villeneuve. and has boundaries on one side, etc. This charter of concession was made in the year 1061, in the reign of king Philip, on the third nones of January in the presence of good men, that is of the lord bishop Frotar of Nimes, and lord William abbot of Caunes, etc.

Original letter:

In nomine Domini. Ego Raingardis comitissa, & gener meus Raymundus, & uxor ejus filia mea nomine Ermengardis & soror ejus Adalais, donamus insimul Domino Deo & Sancto Pontio Tomeriacensis monasterii, & Frotardo abbati, ac monachis ibidem Deo servientibus tam praesentibus quam futuris alodem qui vocatur Tonneus, & quantum ibi habuerunt juste vel injuste Wilelmus vicecomes Biterrensi s & Raymundus Rotgerii, & Garsindis vicecomitissa, & filii ejus Petrus & Willelmus. Est autem ille alodus in pago Biterrensi super fluvium Orbi, juxta Villamnovam, & habet affrontationes de uno latus, &c. Facta carta cessionis hujus anno MLXI, regnante Philippo rege, III nonas januarii, in praesentia bonorum hominum, id est domini Frotarii Nemausensis episcopi, & domini Guillelmi abbatis Caunensi, &c.

Historical context:

The countess makes a donation to the abbey of Saint-Point of Thomieres with her daughters and a son-in-law.

Printed source:

Devic and Vaissette, Histoire Générale de Languedoc (Toulouse: Privat, 1875) 5.514-15,#259, CCXVI


1062, January 3



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