A letter from Henry III (12/18/1226)


Henry III


Isabel of Angoulême

Translated letter:

The king to all to whom the present letters come, greetings. Know that we wish and have confirmed by our oath given bodily, to give our dearest mother, Isabel, queen and countess of Angoulême, all her dower which she had and ought to have in England, as was assigned to A[Eleanor] our grandmother, and as the charter of lord John the kind our father bequeathed. We have also granted her by that same oath to make a reasonable exchange for the dower which she ought to have in Normandy, Anjou and Poitou, in the reasonable view of upright and legal men, who are selected for this on our part and hers, until we have delivered said dower to her and what might fall short in that exchange, as we are able to acquire/purchase the parts of that dower to our and her service. In witness of which, we had these our letters patent made. Witnessed by the venerable fathers, S. archbishop of Canterbury, bishops E. of London, P. of Winton, J. of Bath, H. of Lincoln, R. of Salisbury, R. of Chichester, and our chancellor, W. bishop of Carlisle, Thomas the elect of Norwich, H. de Burgh, our justiciar, R. count of Chester and Lincoln, G. count of Gloucester and Hertford, Philip of Albiniac, Ralph, son of Nicholas our seneschal, Hugh our steward. Dated by hand of said bishop of Chichester our chancellor, at Westminster, 18th day of December, in the 11th year [of our reign]. [Cancelled.] They were surrendered.

Original letter:

Rex omnibus ad quos presentes littere pervenerint, salutem. Sciatis quod volumus et per juramentum nostrum corporaliter prestitum, firmavimus reddere karissime matri nostre Isabelle regine et comitisse Engolisme totam dotem suam quam habuit et habere debet in Anglia, sicut assignata fuit A. quondam avie nostre, et sicut carta domini J. regis patris nostri testatur. Concessimus etiam eidem sub eodem juramento facere ei racionabile escambium dotis quam habere debuit in Normannia, Andegavia et Pictavia, per racionabilem visum proborum et legalium virorum, qui ad hoc tam ex parte nostra quam ex parte ipsius eligentur, quousque predictam dotem ei deliberaverimus, et quod de escambio illo decidat, sicut poterimus partes illius dotis ad opus nostrum et suum conquirere. In cujus rei testimonium, has litteras nostras patentes fieri fecimus. Testibus venerabilibus patribus, S. Cantuariensi archiepiscopo, E. Londoniensi, P. Wintoniensi, J. Bathoniensi, H. Lincolniensi, R. Sarresburiensi, R. Cycestrensi et cancellario nostro, W. Carleolensi episcopis, Thoma Norwicensi electo, H. de Burgo justiciario nostro, R. comite Cestrie et Lincolnie, G. comite Gloucestrie et Hertfordie, Philippo de Albiniaco, Radulfo filio Nicholai senescallo nostro, Hugone Dispensario. Data per manum predicti Cycestrensis episcopi cancellarii nostri, apud Westmonasterium, xviij die Decembris, anno etc. undecimo. [Cancelled.] ‘Reddite fuerunt.’

Historical context:

Henry affirms his mother's entire dower in England as granted her by her husband, his father, king John.

Printed source:

Patent Rolls of the Reign of Henry III, 2, A.D. 1225-1232 (London: Mackie, 1903), 99; Rymer, Foedera, 1.99 (3rd ed.).





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