Genealogy: Ramon

Table 3: Descendants of Ramon Borrell of Barcelona

Ramon Borrell count of Barcelona
+Ermessenda of Carcassonne b. 975-978, d. 1058
|---Berenguer Ramon I count of Barcelona b. 1005, d. 1035
    +Sancha Sanchez of Castile
    |---Ramon-Berenguer I Count of Barcelona d. 1076
        +Elizabeth of Barcelona d. 1050
        |---Peter Raymond of Barcelona b. 1050
        +Almodis of la Marche d. 1071
        |---Berenguer Ramon II Count of Barcelona d. 1097-1099
        |---Ramon Berenguer II Count of Barcelona d. 1082
        |   +Matilda of Apulia d. Cir 1112
        |   |---Ramon Berenguer III Count of Barcelona and Provence b. 1082, d. 1131
        |       +Douce of Gévaudan countess of Barcelona and Provence d. 1127
        |       |---Ramon Berenguer IV Count of Barcelona b. 1114, d. 1162
        |       |   +Petronilla of Aragon b. 1136, d. 1173
        |       |   |---Alfonso II king of Aragon b. 1157, d. 1196
        |       |   |   +Sancha of Castile b. 1154-1155, d. 1208
        |       |   |   |---Peter II king of Aragon b. 1178, d. 1213
        |       |   |   |   +Marie of Montpellier Queen of Aragon d. 1213
        |       |   |   |   |---James I king of Aragon b. 1208, d. 1276
        |       |   |   |       +Eleanor of Castile
        |       |   |   |       +Violant queen of Aragon b. Cir 1215, d. Cir 1251
        |       |   |   |       |---Isabella of Aragon queen of France b. 1248, d. 1271
        |       |   |   |       |   +Philip III King of France b. 1245, d. 1285
        |       |   |   |       |---Violant of Aragon queen of Castile
        |       |   |   |           +Alfonso X King of Castile d. 1284
        |       |   |   |           |---Ferdinand infante of Castile
        |       |   |   |               +Blanche of France b. 1253, d. 1320
        |       |   |   |---Constance of Aragon queen of Sicily and Empress b. 1179, d. 1222
        |       |   |   |   +Frederick II King of Sicily, Germany and Jerusalem and Emperor b. 1194, d. 1250
        |       |   |   |   |---Henry VII King of the Romans d. 1242
        |       |   |   |   +Emeric king of Hungary b. 1174, d. 1204
        |       |   |   |   |---Ladislaus III king of Hungary b. Cir 1200, d. 1205
        |       |   |   |---Alfonso II count of Provence b. 1180, d. 1209
        |       |   |   |   +Garsenda II of Sabran
        |       |   |   |   |---Ramon-Bergenguer IV/V Count of Provence b. 1198, d. 1245
        |       |   |   |       +Beatrice of Savoy b. 1198, d. 1267
        |       |   |   |       |---Marguerite of Provence Queen of France d. 1295
        |       |   |   |       |   +Louis IX King of France d. 1270
        |       |   |   |       |   |---Isabel of France b. 1241, d. 1271
        |       |   |   |       |   |   +Thibaut V count of Champaign king of Navarre b. 1239, d. 1270
        |       |   |   |       |   |---Louis of France b. 1244, d. 1260
        |       |   |   |       |   |---Philip III King of France b. 1245, d. 1285
        |       |   |   |       |   |   +Isabella of Aragon queen of France b. 1248, d. 1271
        |       |   |   |       |   |   +Maria of Brabant queen of France b. 1254, d. 1322
        |       |   |   |       |   |---John Tristan count of Valois b. 1250, d. 1270
        |       |   |   |       |   |   +Yolande of Nevers
        |       |   |   |       |   |---Peter I Count of Alencon b. 1251, d. 1283
        |       |   |   |       |   |   +Marie d'Alencon
        |       |   |   |       |   |---Blanche of France b. 1253, d. 1320
        |       |   |   |       |   |   +Ferdinand infante of Castile
        |       |   |   |       |   |---Margaret of France b. 1255, d. 1271
        |       |   |   |       |   |   +John I duke of Brabant
        |       |   |   |       |   |---Robert Count of Clermont b. 1256, d. 1317
        |       |   |   |       |   |   +Beatrice of Bourbon
        |       |   |   |       |   |---Agnes of France Duchess of Burgundy b. 1260, d. 1327
        |       |   |   |       |       +Robert II duke of Burgundy b. 1248, d. 1306
        |       |   |   |       |---Eleanor of Provence Queen of England d. 1291
        |       |   |   |       |   +Henry III King of England d. 1272
        |       |   |   |       |   |---Edward I King of England b. 1239, d. 1307
        |       |   |   |       |   |---Margaret of England b. 1240, d. 1275
        |       |   |   |       |   |   +Alexander III king of Scotland
        |       |   |   |       |   |---Beatrice of England b. 1242, d. 1272
        |       |   |   |       |   |   +John II duke of Brittany
        |       |   |   |       |   |---Edmund Earl of Lancaster b. 1245, d. 1296
        |       |   |   |       |---Sanchia of Provence Countess of Cornwall, Queen of Germany d. 1261
        |       |   |   |       |   +Richard Earl of Cornwall, King of Germany d. 1271
        |       |   |   |       |   |---Edmund of Cornwall
        |       |   |   |       |---Beatrice countess of Provence and queen of Sicily d. 1267
        |       |   |   |           +Charles I of Anjou King of Sicily d. 1285
        |       |   |   |           |---Charles II King of Naples d. 1309
        |       |   |   |           |   +Mary of Hungary queen of Naples b. Cir 1257, d. 1323
        |       |   |   |           |---Isabella/Elizabeth of Anjou b. 1264-1265, d. 1304(**)
        |       |   |   |               +Ladislaus IV the Cuman b. 1262, d. 1290
        |       |   |   |---Eleanor of Aragon countess of Toulouse b. 1182, d. 1226
        |       |   |   |   +Raymond VI count of Toulouse b. 1156, d. 1222
        |       |   |   |---Sancha of Aragon countess of Toulouse b. 1186, d. 1241
        |       |   |       +Raymond VII count of Toulouse b. 1197, d. 1249
        |       |   |       |---Joan countess of Toulouse b. 1220, d. 1271
        |       |   |           +Alphonse of Poitou and Toulouse d. 1271
        |       |   |---Ramon Berenguer III count of Provence b. Cir 1158, d. 1181
        |       |   |---Dulce of Aragon b. 1160, d. 1198
        |       |   |   +Sancho I King of Portugal b. 1154, d. 1211
        |       |   |   |---Ferdinand of Portugal Count of Flanders b. 1188, d. 1233
        |       |   |       +Joan of Constantinople countess of Flanders d. 1244
        |       |   |---Sancho count of Provence d. 1223
        |       |---Berenguer Ramon I count of Provence b. Cir 1115, d. 1144
        |       |   +Beatrice of Melgueil
        |       |   |---Ramon Berenguer II count of Provence b. 1135, d. 1166
        |       |---Berengaria of Barcelona
        |       |   +Alfonso VII of Leon and Castile b. 1105, d. 1157
        |       |   |---Sancho III king of Castile b. Cir 1134, d. 1158
        |       |   |   +Blanca of Navarre queen of Castile b. After 1133, d. 1156
        |       |   |   |---Alfonso VIII King of Castile d. 1214
        |       |   |       +Eleanor of England Queen of Castile b. 1161, d. 1214
        |       |   |       |---Bergengar of Castile d. 1244
        |       |   |       |---Blanche of Castile d. 1252
        |       |   |       |   +Louis VIII King of France d. 1226
        |       |   |       |   |---Louis IX King of France d. 1270
        |       |   |       |   |   +Marguerite of Provence Queen of France d. 1295
        |       |   |       |   |   |---Isabel of France b. 1241, d. 1271
        |       |   |       |   |   |   +Thibaut V count of Champaign king of Navarre b. 1239, d. 1270
        |       |   |       |   |   |---Louis of France b. 1244, d. 1260
        |       |   |       |   |   |---Philip III King of France b. 1245, d. 1285
        |       |   |       |   |   |   +Isabella of Aragon queen of France b. 1248, d. 1271
        |       |   |       |   |   |   +Maria of Brabant queen of France b. 1254, d. 1322
        |       |   |       |   |   |---John Tristan count of Valois b. 1250, d. 1270
        |       |   |       |   |   |   +Yolande of Nevers
        |       |   |       |   |   |---Peter I Count of Alencon b. 1251, d. 1283
        |       |   |       |   |   |   +Marie d'Alencon
        |       |   |       |   |   |---Blanche of France b. 1253, d. 1320
        |       |   |       |   |   |   +Ferdinand infante of Castile
        |       |   |       |   |   |---Margaret of France b. 1255, d. 1271
        |       |   |       |   |   |   +John I duke of Brabant
        |       |   |       |   |   |---Robert Count of Clermont b. 1256, d. 1317
        |       |   |       |   |   |   +Beatrice of Bourbon
        |       |   |       |   |   |---Agnes of France Duchess of Burgundy b. 1260, d. 1327
        |       |   |       |   |       +Robert II duke of Burgundy b. 1248, d. 1306
        |       |   |       |   |---Robert I of Artois d. 1250
        |       |   |       |   |---Alphonse of Poitou and Toulouse d. 1271
        |       |   |       |   |   +Joan countess of Toulouse b. 1220, d. 1271
        |       |   |       |   |---Charles I of Anjou King of Sicily d. 1285
        |       |   |       |       +Beatrice countess of Provence and queen of Sicily d. 1267
        |       |   |       |       |---Charles II King of Naples d. 1309
        |       |   |       |       |   +Mary of Hungary queen of Naples b. Cir 1257, d. 1323
        |       |   |       |       |---Isabella/Elizabeth of Anjou b. 1264-1265, d. 1304(**)
        |       |   |       |           +Ladislaus IV the Cuman b. 1262, d. 1290
        |       |   |       |---Urraca of Castile d. 1220
        |       |   |       |   +Alfonso II King of Portugal d. 1223
        |       |   |       |---Eleanor of Castile
        |       |   |       |   + James I king of Aragon b. 1208, d. 1276
        |       |   |       |---Henry of Castile d. 1217
        |       |   |--- b. Cir 1138, d. 1160
        |       |   |   +Louis VII King of France b. 1120, d. 1180
        |       |   |   |---Marguerite of France
        |       |   |       +Henry Plantagenet b. 1155, d. 1183
        |       |   |       +Bela III of Hungary d. 1196
        |       |   |---Sancha of Castile queen of Aragon b. Cir 1139, d. 1179
        |       |       +Sancho VI king of Navarre b. 1132, d. 1194
        |       |       |---Berengaria of Navarre queen of England d. Between 1230 and 1232
        |       |       |   +Richard I Lionheart King of England b. 1157, d. 1199
        |       |       |---Sancho VII king of Navarre b. 1157, d. 1234
        |       |       |---Blanche of Navarre countess of Champagne d. 1229
        |       |           +Thibaut III count of Champagne d. 1201
        |       |           |---Thibaut IV of Champagne king of Navarre b. 1201, d. 1253
        |       |               +Margaret of Bourbon
        |       |               |---Thibaut V count of Champaign king of Navarre b. 1239, d. 1270
        |       |                   +Isabel of France b. 1241, d. 1271
        |       |---Almodis of Barcelona
        |           +Ponce de Cervera viscount of Bas
        |---Sancia of Barcelona
        |   +William I Raymond Count of Cerdanya d. 1095
        |   |---William II Jordan count of Cerdanya
        |   |---Bernard William count of Cerdanya
        |---Agnes of Barcelona
            +Guigues II of Albon

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