A letter from Bernard Amato


Bernard Amato


Almodis of La Marche

Translated letter:

I Bernard Amato swear to you, lady Almodis, countess, my lord, that from this hour forward I shall be faithful to you without deception, as a man should be to his good lord to whom he entrusts himself by the hands, to your life and all the members that are held in your body, and that honor which you have today and which lord Raymond, count of Barcelona, my lord, has given you as allod or tutelage or will have given in whatever way fron now on, God helping, as I best can, without deception.  And I shall be faithful to you for the whole county of Girona and the whole episcopate of St. Mary, in the see of Girona, and those abbacies that are in said county and all things pertaining to said county or bishopric.  Also, I swear to you that I shall give power to you for the town of Begur and all its boundaries without deception as many times as you should request that power from me over said town by yourself or by your messenger or messengers.  And I shall not refuse to be called upon, and that messenger or messengers of yours who call upon me will not meet delay there, not in going or staying or returning.  And if there is any man or woman who takes from you and all aforesaid or any from all the aforesaid, I shall aid you to hold and defend and have and fight for all the aforesaid, without deception, against all men or women who might take all the aforesaid from you and anything from all the aforesaid.  As is written above, so I said Bernard shall hold and keep to you lady Almodis, countess, my lord, from this day forwards without fraud and evil artifice and any deception, to my knowledge.  By God and these holy things.

Original letter:

Iuro ego Bernardus Amati vobis, domine Almodis, comitisse, seniori mee, quod ab [hac] hora et deincebs fidelis ero vobis sine engan, sicut homo debet esse ad suum bonum seniorem cui manibus se comendat, de vestra vita et de omnibus membris qui se tenent in corpore vestro, et de illo honore quem hodie habetis et quem domnus Raimundus, Barchinonensis comes, senior meus, habet vobis datum aut per alodium aut per baiuliam aut deincebs dederit qualicumque modo, adiuvante Deo, sicut melius potuero, sine vestro engan. Et fidelis ero vobis de toto comitatu Gerundensi et de toto episcopatu Sancte Marie, sedis Gerundensis, et de ipsas abadias que sunt in predicto comitatu et de cunctis rebus pertinentibus ad iam dictum comitatum vel episcopatum. Item, iuro vobis quod dedero ad vos potestatem de ipso chastro de Begur et de omnibus suis terminis sine vestro engan per quantas vices requisieritis mihi ipsam potestatem de predicto chastro per vos ipsam aut per vestrum nuncium vel nuncios. Et ego comnunir no me n desvedare, et ille vester nuncius vel nuncii, qui me comonuerint, reguardum ibi non habebunt nec in eundo nec in estando nec in revertendo. Et si est aliquis homo vel femina qui tollat vobis predicta omnia aut aliquid de predictis omnibus, adiutor ero vobis a<d> tenere et ad defendere et ad habere et ad guerreiare iam dicta omnia, sine vestro engan, contra cunctos homines vel feminas qui tulerint vobis predicta omnia aut aliquid de predictis omnibus. Sicut superius scriptum est, teneam et attendam ego iam dictus Bernardus vobis domne Al­modis, comitisse, seniori mee, ab [h]ac die et deincebs sine fraude et malo ingenio et ulla vestra decepcione, me sciente. Per Deum et hec sancta.

Historical context:

Oath of fidelity taken by Bernard Amato to the countess.

Printed source:

LFM 1.504, #473.





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