A letter from Matilda of Tuscany, countess of Tuscany, duchess of Lorraine (1115, May (6))


Matilda of Tuscany, countess of Tuscany, duchess of Lorraine



Translated letter:

In the name of the holy and indivisible trinity. Matilda by God’s grace countess, daughter of the late marquis Boniface, if she is anything, living under Salic law, while present said to those present: whoever will bestow anything of his possessions on holy and venerable places will receive a hundred-fold, and what is better, he will possess eternal life. Therefore, I, countess Matilda, detained by serious illness of our body for some time at Bondeno de Roncore, wishing to anticipate the day of our death with deeds of piety, all possessions movable and immovable that were conceded, donated, given by my father Boniface and my grandfather Teodaldo to the monastery of St. Benedict located between old Po and Lario and (those given) by my other ancestors anywhere in my district, in imitation of them we likewise give, grant, concede and confirm them to the aforesaid monastery and their churches perpetually; specifically one manse and another near the bank of old Po in the villa Ronco Bonaldi and the church of St. Sixtus of Letto Paludano with all its tithes and appurtenances, and two manses, namely a dwelling which is called of Villa, and another which is called of Begosso and a monastery of Gonzaga with the church of St. Mary of Castro of the same place, given by me to the monastery of St. Benedict and handed over with all tithes and its appurtenances completely. And I, as above countess, Matilda, (give) everything that I have in Pegognaga, movable and immovable, and all my vassals, specifically smiths, storekeepers, armorers (?brendarios), and others from Po, and all others who are of any service, moreoever captains and vavasours from the aforesaid place Pegognaga, to the said monastery of St. Benedict located between old Po and Lario, where the abbot Alberic is now known to preside, with all other properties given and handed over by me and myancestors. Likewise I give, hand over and concede and confirm in perpetuity, specifically the whole court of Villola and the whole court of Quistello and that of Gabbiana and the whole island where the same monastery is located, and a villa in Libiola and the whole villa of Settingente and the whole villa of Barbasso enclosed by its borders, as is contained in the document of my grandfather Teodaldo, with the church of St. John, and the whole court of Casal Barbato enclosed by its borders, according to what the document of my grandfather attests; moreover (we give) customs and honors given and conceded in the time of my ancestors to that monastery of St. Benedict and to the monastery of Gonzaga and to the church of Letto Paludano and to their other churches located in our district and (customs and honors) given and conceded to the aforesaid monastery and its churches by counsel of our faithful, namely so that whatever any man or woman will want to give, judge, offer, for his soul, to the aforesaid monastery and its churches, from benefices which they once held from our ancestors and kinspeople and hold now from us and thenceforth will hold, (he or she) will have full freedom and authority granted both by me and by my ancestors of bestowing, giving, judging, offering to the same monastery and its churches, nonetheless with the greater part of the fief remaining from which service to the court can occur. Likewise, we for healing of our soul and of our relations give, donate, concede and confirm to the said monastery and its churches the aforesaid custom granted, made by our ancestors and by us, and other things, whatever from those same ancestors and our vassals that may be of this condition and service and was given, granted, conceded and confirmed by us. And with the law always to be in force, without disturbance by us or our successors perpetually we confirm, as read above, in addition the church of St. Benedict of Ficarolo located in the diocese of Ferrara with all tithes and their appurtenances, and likewise lands from Casalavone and thickets and woods and swamps with every right and action and their advantages and uses, with the church of St. Michael from the headland of Tornione with all its appurtenances, and power of cutting wood, grazing, moving and clearing and making every use. All these things have been given and conceded by me, and also the customs and uses of cutting wood in our woods in Massa and the right of fishing in our marshes of the same place in Massa have been given and conceded by us to the aforesaid church of St. Benedict of Ficarolo, and likewise the church of St. Agatha of Ferrara with all lands and possessions and their appurtenances. Also the church of St. Valentine of Marengo formerly given by us to the aforesaid monastery of St. Benedict with all tithes and appurtenances and lands and its possessions enclosed in its borders: specifically from the east is the path of Fonte Zagone, which goes beyond the long wall; from the south is the path of Tornolo, which goes up to the path of seven measures; from the west is the side that goes to the mound of Verona; from the north is the path Gardesana which goes near the spring of Zegone, as is contained in the document of our grant and donation made by the hand of our chaplain Ubaldo. And whatever other things, mobile and immobile were offered, conceded, and given both by us and by our ancestors to the aforementioned monastery of St. Benedict and its churches, we, for our soul and our parents, through this charter of offering, donation, concession and confirmation made to that same monastery, give, donate, concede and confirm, as read above. We promise to defend, by us and our successors, from every man, all the abovenoted things completely with all their lower and higher things and entrances and exits, with stipulation supported. If, however, we will be unable to defend or if we will withdraw from said defense through any contrivance, then we promise to you, Alberic, abbot of the aforesaid monastery of St. Benedict, and to your successors one-hundred pounds of pure gold in the name of penalty, and with this paid this contract should remain in its firmness. In all the abovesaid things we wish and command that no one, either duke or marquis, count or viscount, chamberlain or deacon, certainly no person great or small, should have power or jurisdiction, (and) absolutely no dominion, but we will and command that the said monastery of blessed Benedict and all its property movable and immovable, and all its churches and all their properties, and all clerics, monks and laypersons and all their inhabitants with all their properties movable and immovable, with all the abovesaid located in our district be completely free and exempt from all jurisdiction and exaction of us and of all men, whether great or small, and also from all harborage, military service, forced service and tributes and all other conditions. But if anyone will attempt to act against these things and with bold recklessness will presume to violate in any way anything mentioned above, as penalty let him pay twenty pounds of pure gold, half to the same venerable monastery and half to the public part. So that it may be believed more truly and held more firmly, I have signed with the signing of my hand and have requested and commanded to Martin the notary to write this present document of offering and concession. And for healing of my soul and of my parents we have invested the aforesaid abbot Alberic of the abovenoted monastery of blessed Benedict, on behalf of him and his successors in his place to have and keep everything, as read above, of the monastery of St. Benedict and its churches forever, as read above. This was enacted at Bondeno of Roncore in the chamber of the same lady countess Matilda, Thursday, beginning May 4, happily in 1115, eighth indiction. + (I) Matilda, by God’s grace, if she is anything, signed below. Witnesses of this matter: count Guido, count Albert, son of Boso, Arduin count of Palude, Gerard son of Boso, Ugo son of Manfred, Saxo of Bibianello and Rainier his cousin, Nordilo of Castelvetro, Lanfranc of Savignano, Gerard of Piazza, Opizo of Gonzaga and Riticher, Rainier of Castellarano, Peter of Gummula, Ubald of Castellarano, Alberic of Nonantula and Adegerio, Albert of Sala, Ubald of Carpeneto and many other witnesses were requested. I, Martin, notary of the sacred palace witnessed these things and wrote, completed and gave them.1 (S.N.) (S.N.) (S.N.)

Original letter:

(S. N.) In nomine sancte et individue trinitatis. Matildis dei gratia comitissa, filia quondam marchionis Bonifacii, si quid est, lege Salica vivens, presens presentibus dixi: Quisquis in sanctis ac venerabilibus locis aliquid de suis contulerit rebus, centuplum accipiet et, quod melius est, vitam possidebit eternam. Ideoque ego comitissa Matildis apud Bondenum de Roncore, gravi nostri corporis aliquandiu infirmitate detenta, diem nostre mortis pietatis operibus prevenire volentes, omnia bona mobilia et immobilia, que a patre meo Bonifacio et avo meo Teodaldo monasterio sancti Benedicti inter Padum veterem et Larionem sito data, donata, concessa sunt et ab aliis antecessoribus meis, ubique in districtu meo ad ipsorum immitationem nos similiter damus, donamus, concedimus et confirmamus predicto monasterio suisque ecclesiis in perpetuum; videlicet mansum unum et plus adiacentem ripe Padi veteris in villa Ronco Bonaldi et ecclesiam sancti Syxti de Lecto Paludano cum omnibus decimis et pertinentiis suis, et duos mansos, silicet mansum, qui dicitur de Uilla, et alium, qui dicitur de Begosso, et monasterium de Gonzaga cum ecclesia sancte Marie de Castro eiusdem loci a me datum ipsi monasterio sancti Benedicti et traditum cum omnibus decimis et pertinentiis suis in integrum. Et ego, que supra comitissa Matildis, omnia, quecumque habeo in Pigugnaga, mobilia et immobilia, et omnes vassallos meos, videlicet fabros, canavarios, brendarios et illos de Pado, et omnes alios cuiuscumque servitii sint, preter capitaneos et vavassores de predicto loco Pigugnage, memorato monasterio sancti Benedicti inter Padum veterem et Larionem sito, cui abbas Albericus nunc preesse videtur, cum omnibus aliis rebus tam a me quam a parentibus meis datis et traditis. Similiter dono, trado et in perpetuum concedo et confirmo, videlicet totam curtem de Uillola et totam curtem de Custello et illam de Gabiana et totam insulam, ubi idem monasterium situm est, et villam de Libiola et totam villam de Septingenti et totam villam de Burbasso suis finibus terminatam, sicut continetur in instrumento avi mei Teodaldi, cum ecclesia sancti Iohannis, et totam curtem Casalis Barbati suis finibus terminatam, secundum quod testatur instrumentum avi mei; preterea consuetudines et honores tempore antecessorum meorum datos et concessos ipsi monasterio sancti Benedicti et monasterio de Gonzaga et ecclesie de Lecto Paludano et aliis suis ecclesiis in districtu nostro positis nostroque tempore datos et concessos predicto monasterio suisque ecclesiis per nostrorum fidelium consilium, videlicet ut quicumque vir vel femina de beneficiis, que a nostris maioribus et propinquis olim habuerunt et a nobis nunc habent et inantea habebunt, prefato monasterio suisque ecclesiis pro anima sua dare, iudicare, offerre aliquid voluerit, plenam habeat licentiam et auctoritatem tam a me quam ab antecessoribus meis concessam eidem monasterio suisque ecclesiis largiendi, donandi, iudicandi, offerendi, remanente tamen maiore parte feudi, unde servitium curie fieri posset. Quam predictam consuetudinem a nostris antecessoribus et a nobis factam, concessam et alia, quecumque ab eisdem progenitoribus et vassallis nostris, cuiuscumque condicionis et servitii sint, et a nobis data, donata, concessa et confirmata sunt, nos similiter pro remedio anime nostre et parentum nostrorum sepedicto monasterio eiusque ecclesiis damus, donamus, concedimus et confirmamus. Et lege semper valitura sine nostra nostrorumque successorum molestatione in perpetuum corroboramus, sicut supra legitur, insuper quoque ecclesiam sancti Benedicti de Ficarolo in episcopatu Ferrarie positam cum omnibus decimis et pertinentiis suis, et terras similiter de Casalauone et runcos et boscos et paludes cum omni iure et actione et utilitatibus et usibus suis, cum ecclesia sancti Michaelis de capite Tornionis cum omnibus suis pertinentiis, et potestatem buscandi, pasculandi, secandi et runcandi et omnem utilitatem faciendi. A me hec omnia data et concessa, nec non consuetudines et usus buscandi in nemoribus nostris de Massa et ius piscandi in paludibus nostris eiusdem loci de Massa predicte ecclesie sancti Benedicti de Ficarolo a nobis data et concessa, et similiter ecclesiam sancte Agathe de Ferraria cum omnibus terris et possessionibus ac pertinentiis suis. Ecclesiam quoque sancti Ualentini de Maringo a nobis olim datam prefato monasterio sancti Benedicti cum omnibus decimis et pertinentiis et terris et possessionibus suis, istis finibus terminatis: a mane videlicet est via de Fonte Zagonis, que vadit ultra murum longum; a meridie est semita Tornilorum, que vadit usque ad viam de de septem modulis; a sero est costa que vadit ad levatam Verone; a septentrione est via Gardesana, que vadit prope Fontanam Zegonis, sicut in instrumento nostre concessionis et donationis facto per manum capellani nostri Vbaldi continetur. Et alia, quecumque tam a nobis quam ab antecessoribus nostris mobilia et immobilia data, concessa et oblata sunt pretaxato monasterio sancti Benedicti eiusque ecclesiis, nos per hanc cartam offersionis, donationis, concessionis et confirmationis factam in idem monasterium pro anima nostra nostrorumque parentum damus, donamus, concedimus et confirmamus, ut supra legitur. Que omnia suprascripta in integrum cum omnibus suis inferioribus et superioribus et accessionibus et egressionibus per nos ac successores nostras ab omni homine defendere promittimus cum stipulatione subnixa. Si autem defendere non potuerimus aut si a defensione predicta per quodvis ingenium nos subtraxerimus, tunc promittimus tibi Alberico, prefati monasterii sancti Benedicti abbati, tuisque successoribus nomine pene centum libras auri optimi, qua soluta hec carta in sua permaneat firmitate. In quibus omnibus supradictis volumus atque precipimus, ut nullus habeat potestatem vel iurisdictionem, nullum penitus dominium sive dux vel marchio, comes vel vicecomes, gastaldus aut decanus, nulla denique persona parva vel magna, sed memoratum monasterium beati Benedicti et omnia eius bona mobilia et immobilia, universas quoque ecclesias suas et earum bona omnia, et omnes clericos, monachos et laicos omnesque habitatores suos cum omnibus bonis ipsorum mobilibus et immobilibus, cum omnibus supradictis in nostra districtu positis volumus atque precipimus ab omni iurisdictione et exactione nostra omniumque hominum, sive magnus sive parvus, ab omni etiam albergaria, arrimannia, angaria et perangaria et ab omnibus aliis condictionibus libera omnino fore et exempta, sicut supra legitur. Quod si quis contra hec agere temptaverit et temerario ausu omnia, que supradicta sunt, aliquo modo violare presumpserit, auri optimi pro pena viginti libras componat, medietatem eidem venerabili monasterio et medietatem parti publice. Quod ut verius credatur firmiusque teneatur, manus mee subnotione firmavi et hanc presentem paginam offersionis et concessionis Martino notario precepimus atque scribere rogavimus. Et prefatum abbatem Albericum suprascripti monasterii beati Benedicti pro se suisque successoribus vice ipsius de omnibus, sicut supra legitur, monasterii sancti Benedicti et eius ecclesiarum in perpetuum habendis, tenendis investivimus pro remedio anime mee et parentum meorum, ut supra legitur. Actum est hoc Bondeno de Runcuris in caminata eiusdem do(mi)ne comitisse Matildis, die Iouis, IIII intrante madio, feliciter, in millesimo centesimo XV indictione VIII. + Matilda dei gratia, si quid est, subscripsi. Huius rei testes: comes Guido, comes Albertus Bosonis filius, Arduinus comes de Palude, Gerardus filius Bosonis, Ugo Manfredi filius, Saxo de Bibianello et Rainerius eius consobrinus, Nordilus de Castello Uetere, Lanfrancus de Sauignano, Gerardus de Plaza, Opizo de Gonzaga et Riticherius, Rainerius de Castello Ariano, Petrus de Gummula, Vbaldus de Castellarano, Albericus de Nonantula et Adegerius, Albertus de Sala, Vbaldus de Carpeneta et alii quamplures rogati sunt testes. Ego Martinus notarius sacri palatii hiis interfui et scripsi, complevi et dedi. (S.N.) (S.N.) (S.N.)

Historical context:

A will in which the countess affirms all the grants made by her and by her ancestors to the monastery of San Benedetto Po, in which she would be buried.

Scholarly notes:

1 Ashleigh Imus provided this translation.

Printed source:

Die Urkunden und Briefe der Markgräfin Mathilde von Tuszien, ed. Elke Goez and Werner Goez (Hanover: Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 1998), ep.138.


1115, May (6)



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