
Statement based on the 4 TH international conference on global food security – December 2020: Challenges for a disruptive research Agenda

Caron, Patrick; Van Ittersum, Martin; Avermaete, Tessa; Brunori, Gianluca; Fanzo, Jessica C.; Giller, Ken; Hainzelin, Etienne; Ingram, John; Korsten, Lise; Martin-Prével, Yves; Osiru, Moses; Palm, Cheryl; Ferre, Marta Rivera; Rufino, Mariana; Schneider, Sergio; Thomas, Alban; Walker, Daniel

The 4th Global Food Security conference highlighted four major developments: the shift from food security to food systems; a focus on diets and consumption patterns; the importance of unknown futures and inherent un­ certainties and risks; and the central role of multi-level connections between local- and global-oriented research. These shifts highlight the importance for research to contribute to dialogue and collective intelligence through evidence-based brokerage, and to move beyond polarization of debates. These shifts also call for the involvement of scientists in multi-stakeholder arrangements to strengthen innovation and learning at different levels, and for their participation in foresight studies to help navigate plausible futures. Delegates discussed five scientific challenges to be addressed through both research investments and by improving science-policy interfaces.


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Global Food Security

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International Research Institute for Climate and Society
Published Here
February 7, 2024