A letter from Wenceslaus I, king of Bohemia (before 2/6/1236)


Wenceslaus I, king of Bohemia


Agnes of Prague

Translated letter:

In the name of the holy trinity and of individual unity, amen. We, Wenceslaus, by the grace of God, fourth king of the Bohemians, to all who preside with Christian faith in perpetuity. Human actions, which are solemnly celebrated in time are accustomed to pass away with time and often because of the uncertainty of things are destroyed, so that they have no efficacy; therefore it is useful and altogether necessary that those things which can, through a long course of time, slip from memory and be very easily annulled, be preserved by letters and witnesses. To remove, therefore, the vestiges of all ambiguity let the present age of men as well as the posterity to come in Christ know that the hospital of St. Francis, which our sister lady Agnes from the highest devotion built at Prague for the sole use of the sick and pilgrims or other poor coming there, we take under royal protection with all the things which it now possesses or will possess justly in posterity, granting them the fullest freedom and also every exemption and all privileges which are given by us or our ancestors to the church of Vyshehrad; adding also that whoever perpetrates any violence or destruction on things or persons, wherever they are, pertaining to the hospital, will fall under royal ban and offence. Moreover whatever criminal or homicide or disgraced person of any kind should take flight within the bounds of the court of said hospital will incur no charge, and whoever should presume to cause violence there, will know royal displeasure and ban. Witnesses of this are the following: the venerable John bishop of the church of Prague and Peregrin also bishop of that church; Arnold provost of Vyshehrad and chancellor of the royal court; Eppo provost of Prague and the whole conventus of that church; Herman provost of Lutmiric; Bohuto provost of Bolezlau. Laymen: Stezlaus chamberlain; Groznata; Henry son of Witigon; Budizlaus and Jarozlaus, brothers; Mstidruch castellan of Prague; Ypoch castellain of Vyshehrad, Zlavnik castellain; Noztup prefect of Primda; Zawise subchamberlain; as well as many other loyal men of our kingdom. Since this statute is solemnly celebrated with our consent and favor, wishing it to be strengthened with the power of perpetual force, we have had the present writing enscribed and ordered it to be signed with the seal of our sublimity/highness. Enacted in this 1237th year of the lord's incarnation, the 8th year of our reign. Dated at Prague by the hand of Wilhelm, notary.

Original letter:

In nomine sancte trinitatis et individue unitatis amen. Nos Wenceslaus, dei gracia quartus rex Bohemorum, universis fide christiana preditis in perpetuum. Actiones humane, que sub tempore sollempniter celebrantur, cum tempore defluere consueverunt et sepius propter incertos rerum eventus cassantur, ita quod nullam efficaciam sorciuntur; expedit igitur et omnino necesse est, quod ea, que per longevum temporis cursum possunt a memoria decidere et facillime annullari, litteris et testibus perhennentur. Ad abstergenda igitur tocius ambiguitatis vestigia noscat tam presens hominum etas quam in Christo successura posteritas, quod nos hospitale sancti Francisci, quod soror nostra domina Agnes solummodo ad usus infirmorum et peregrinorum seu aliorum pauperum ad idem confluencium ex summa devocione Prage construxit, cum omnibus, que nunc possidet vel in posterum iuste possidebit, in regiam protectionem suscipimus concedentes eis plenissimam libertatem et eciam omnem exempcionem cunctaque privilegia, que a nobis vel ab antecessoribus nostris data sunt ecclesie Wischigradensi; addentes eciam, quod quicumque aliquam rebus vel personis, ubicumque fuerint, ad hospitale pertinentibus violenciam vel iacturam intulerit, in bannum regium cadat pariter et offensam. Insuper quicumque reus vel homicida aut qualiscumque flagiciosus infra terminos curie hospitalis predicti confugerit, nullam calumpniam penitus paciatur, et quicumque ibidem violenciam inferre presumpserit, indignacionem et bannum regale se noverit incursurum. Testes autem huius rei sunt hii: venerabilis Pragensis ecclesie Johannes episcopus et Peregrinus quondam eiusdem ecclesie episcopus, Arnoldus prepositus Wischigradensis et cancellarius aule regie, Eppo Pragensis prepositus et eiusdem ecclesie totus conventus, Hermannus prepositus Lutmiricensis, Bohuto prepositus Bolezlaviensis. Laici: Stezlaus camerarius, Groznata, Heinricus filius Witigonis, Budizlaus et Jarozlaus fratres, Mstidruch castellanus Pragensis, Ypoch castellanus Wischigradensis, Zlavnik castellanus, Noztup prefectus de Primda, Zawise cubcamerarius et quam plures alii regni nostri fideles. Cum autem hoc statutum cum nostro consensu et favore sit sollempniter celebratum, volentes ipsum perpetue firmitatis vigore roborari, presentis scripture seriem conscribi fecimus et sigillo nostre sublimitatis iussimus insigniri. Acta sunt hec anno dominice incarnacionis MCCXXXVII regni nostri anno VIII. Datum apud Pragam per manum Wilhelmi notarii.

Historical context:

The king affirms his protection of the hospital of St. Francis constructed by his sister and grants it the exemption and privileges with which the church of Vysehrad was endowed. The letter repeats all the words of the king's 1234 privilege granted the monastery and the hospital according to the Codex. The editor notes that the date given by the scribe is incorrect.

Printed source:

Codex Diplomaticus et Epistolarius Regni Bohemiae, ed. Gustavus Friedrich (Prague: Wiesner, 1942), 3.1, ep.130


before 2/6/1236



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