A letter from Marguerite of Provence (c.1280)


Marguerite of Provence


Edward I, king of England

Translated letter:

To the very high and noble prince, to her very dear and beloved nephew, Edward, by the grace of God very noble king of England, Marguerite, by that same grace queen of France, greetings and true love. Our dear nephew Hugh des Baux, son of my once/deceased lord Bertran des Baux, who was married to the cousin of our dear lord father, disinherited of his land by the will of the king of Sicily, came to us and asked us to send you our prayers for him. To which request we beg you, for love of us, to hold him commended and be courteous to him and give him your favor, so that he recognizes that our prayers have benefitted him with you. Dated Poissy, the Friday before the Epiphany.

Original letter:

A très haut et très noble prince, à son très chier et très amé neveu, Edouard, par la grace de Dieu très noble roy d’Engleterre, Margarite, par icele mesme grace reine de France, salut et vrai amour. Notre chier neveu Hugue des Baux, fil jadis de mon seigneur Betran des Baux, lequel a à femme la cousine de nostre chier seigneur père germainne, deshérité de sa terre par la volenté du roy de Cécile, est venus à nous et nous a requis que nous vous envoions nos prières pour lui. A laquelle requeste nous vous prions que vous, pour l’amour de nous, l’aiez recommandé et li soiés courtois et favorables, si que il s’aperceuve que nos prières li aient tenues proufit envers vous. Données à Poissy, le vendredi devant l’Aparicion.

Historical context:

The dowager queen asks the nephew who is king of England to help a nephew (technically a cousin) who has been disinherited by Charles of Anjou. The letter is in French.

Printed source:

Lettres de Rois, Reines et Autres Personnages des Cours de France et D'Angleterre, ed. M. Champollion-Figeac (Paris: Imprimerie Royale, 1839), 1.254-5, ep.200





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