A letter from Adelaide/Aleid of Holland (1261, November 5)


Aleid/Adelaide of Holland



Translated letter:

To all who see the presents, Adeleide, defender of Holland and Zeeland, wife of former lord John of Avesnes, greetings and everything good. Since our dearest lady mother, lady Matilda, countess of Holland, for the relief of the soul of our dearest father, lord Florence count of Holland, conferred on the church of the Island of St. Mary the pasture of the whole dike lying between the home of Florence and the home of lord Doe, which pasture lord William king of the Romans, our dearest brother of good memory conferred on our said lady mother to be possessed freely, as in the letters of our said lady mother is manifestly and expressly contained, we indeed confirm the donation which our said lady mother could legally make, holding it pleasing and firm, by the tenor of the presents and by the witness of the present letters. Dated at Dordrecht in the year of the Lord 1261, the Saturday after the feast of All Saints.

Original letter:

Universis presentia visuris Aleidis uxor quondam domini Iohannis de Auesnes, Hollandie et Zelandie tutrix salutem et omne bonum. Cum karissima domina mater nostra, domina Maghteldis comitissa Hollandie ob remedium anime karissimi patris nostri, domini Florentii comitis Hollandie contulit ecclesie de Insula beate Marie pasturam totius aggeris iacentis inter domum Florentii et domum domine Dowe, quam pasturam dominus Willelmus Romanorum rex, karissimus frater noster bone memorie, dicte domine matri nostre libere contulit possidendam, prout in litteris dicte domine matris nostre manifeste et expresse continetur, nos vero collationem quam de iure facere potuit dicta domina mater nostra gratam habentes atque ratam, tenore presentium eam confirmamus presentium testimonio litterarum. Datum apud Dordreth anno Domini M CC LXI, sabbato post festum Omnium sanctorum.

Historical context:

The countess confirms a donation made to a church by her mother in memory of her father of land given the mother by her son, Adelaide's brother.

Printed source:

Oorkondenboek van Holland en Zeeland tot 1299, ed. A.C.F.Koch (Gravenhage: Martinus Nijhoo, 1970), ep.1271, 3.278-79.


1261, November 5



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