A letter from Pons of Foz


Pons of Foz


Count Raymond Berenguer of Barcelona
Douce of Gévaudan

Translated letter:

I, Pons of Foz, son of the woman Beliell, swear to you, Raymond Berengar, count of Barcelona and Provence, and to your wife, countess Dulcia, and to your (pl.) sons and daughters, that from this hour forward I shall be faithful to you (pl.) in your life and your members which are held in your bodies and your honor which you have today, or, with God helping, you will have acquired in the future and the castris of Fos and Hyères, that I will not take them or anything in them from you and will not deny your power as many times as you ask  me by yourselves or through your messengers, not I nor any man or woman by my counsel nor by my trick.  And if there is a man or men, woman or women, who might take [them], I, said Pons, shall be an aid to you, with my men and my honor, to make war, to deffend, to sue, as best I can, in righteous faith without deception; and with your enemies, whom you have today and will have in the future, I, said Pons, shall not make an agreement nor peace with them without your counsel, and I shall make war on them with you and without you by your counsel and order, as best I can, by righteous faith without deception.  As is written above, so I shall hold and keep to the understanding of said count.  By God and these holy altars.

Original letter:

Iuro ego, Poncius de Fos, filius Beliellis, femine, tibi, Raimundo Berengarii, comiti Barchinonensi ac Provincie, et coniugi tue Dulcie, comitisse, et filiis vel filiabus vestris, quod de ista hora in antea fidelis ero vobis de vestra vita et de vestris membris que in corporibus vestris se tenent et de vestro honore quem hodie habetis vel in antea, Deo adiuvante, adquisituri eritis et de castris de Fos et Heras, che no l vos tolre ne us en tolre et potestatem non vetabo vobis per quantasque vices mihi requisieritis per vosmedipsis aut per nunciis vestris, nec ego nec homo nec femina per meum consilium nec per meum ingenium. Et si est homo aut homines, femina aut femine, qui tollat aut tollant, ego, Poncio suprascripto, ero vobis adiutor, cum mei homines et honorem meum, guerreiare, deffendere, placitare, ut melius potuero, per fidem rectam sine vestro engan; et cum vestris inimicis, quem hodie habetis vel in antea habueritis, ego, supranominato Poncio, ad concordiam neque ad pacem non venero cum illis sine consilio vestro, et guerreiabo eis cum vos et sine vos per consilium et vestrum mandamentum, sicut melius potuero, per directam fidem, sine vestro engan. Sicut superius scriptum est, sic tenebo et attendebo ad intelligendum supranominato comiti. Per Deum et hec sancta altaria.

Historical context:

An oath taken by Pons of Foz to the count and countess for the “castris” of Fos And Hyères.  A castrum is an administrative unit that includes a fortification/castle.

Printed source:

Liber Feudorum Maior, 2.348-49 #879.





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