A letter from Margaret of Constantinople, Countess of Flanders (1242)


Margaret of Constantinople, Countess of Flanders


Gregory IX, pope

Translated letter:

Innocent, Bishop, Servant of the Servants of God to the beloved son, nobleman Thomas count of Flanders, greeting and apostolic benediction. The bright fame of your lineage and the devotedness of fervent sincerity of your ancestors and the integrity of faith which they have always had for the Roman church teaches us with manifest proof that you, being their son and true heir in these things seek to do those things with zeal of solicitude diligently through which you may please the prince of the apostles, and we, accordingly, should be bound to honor you, with the preference of favor and grace, as a special son of the church. Therefore as your petition that was read in our presence contained, the daughter beloved in Christ, noblewoman J. countess of Flanders, your wife, with the voluntary and legitimate consenting agreement of her sister, daughter beloved in Christ noblewoman M. lady of Dampierre, if she will have survived to succeed her, has granted with prudent generosity, with oath taken, an annual income of six thousand pounds of Artesian currency to be collected in certain possessions and her revenues, to you for as long as you live, as is contained more fully in mutual letters prepared thenceforth, the sense of which we have inserted word for word in the present (letters), which is as follows: To the most holy father and lord, by God’s grace the highest pontiff, J. countess of Flanders and of Hainaut, his humble daughter, kisses to [your] blessed feet. I wish to make known to your Sanctity that I, with the agreement of my dearest sister and my heir, as is contained more fully in her letters prepared concerning this, have given, granted, and allotted to Thomas count of Flanders and of Hainaut, lord and my husband, as is contained below, incomes or proceeds up to the value of six thousand pounds of Artesian currency to be collected after my death by Thomas himself every year for as long as he will have lived or by the particular messenger of Thomas himself, if the same Thomas will have survived me, and for this I have expressly obliged to the same Thomas myself and my land and particularly places named further below, promising by oath taken that never will I challenge the aforesaid gift, grant and allotment through me or through another, nor will I revoke these things, but I will observe and take care that (these things) are observed, renouncing every right and customary right through which I could attempt anything against the aforesaid gift, grant, and allotment. I have ordered that the allotment of the said six thousand pounds occur in this way, so that from the revenues of Gastinois both old and new the same Thomas of Flanders should collect one thousand five[sic] hundred pounds of the aforesaid money, and for all the income of the villa of Dam. eight hundred pounds, for the rent and incomes of Trehout two hundred pounds, for the rent and incomes of the new port three hundred pounds, for the Cassel toll(1) two hundred pounds, for the wood and revenues from the wood and the land from timber [niepa](2) one thousand pounds, for the dam with appurtenances seven hundred pounds, for the town granary three hundred pounds, for the Furnes granary six hundred pounds, and for the town granary five hundred pounds. Moreover in any place named above concerning all the incomes, rents, and revenues and in whatever name those things that belong to the place itself may be taxed, in no respect at all will a lord or lady be able nor should s/he collect in any case through him/herself or through another unless the said Thomas of Flanders or his messenger first will have totally received the sum of money allotted to him in the said places, and in the place in which the said Thomas will have received his total allotment which is owed to him annually the lord of the land must receive the remainder. Moreover the receivers, whether they be hereditary or not hereditary, of the said revenues, rents, and incomes, and even the lessors or collectors, in whatever name they may be taxed, all will swear that, whatever mandate they will have received from the lord or from the lady of the land concerning this, they will pay or render nothing from the said revenues, incomes, and rents through themselves or through another to the lord of the land or to another before the same Thomas or his messenger will have received completely the money granted and allotted to him in all the above-said revenues, incomes, and rents. Likewise the revenue, income, and rents must be reserved and received fully in the name of said Thomas each year until the said Thomas either through himself or his messenger will have received each year fully and completely the aforesaid sum of money allotted to him in the said places. Also, the same Thomas or his messenger will collect from the receivers of the revenues, incomes, and rents and from the lessors or collectors themselves the sum of money allotted to him in the said places at three points of the year, in any point a third part of all the money granted and allotted to him as is stated above [sic]. The first point is at the feast of Saint Thomas the apostle, before Christmas. The second point is in the middle of Lent, namely the Sunday on which “Rejoice O Jerusalem” is sung. The third point is within the month after the feast of blessed John the Baptist, and all the above-said must be firmly observed. The aforesaid lessors and receivers or collectors are bound to swear and through their oath to fulfill each and every thing fully and completely. And if in any contingent case the aforesaid revenues, incomes, and rents were lacking or were not sufficient for the sum granted and allotted to the said Thomas or even were not paid to him, the lord of Flanders, as well as he who was occupying the aforesaid places, if by chance it were to happen that the aforesaid places were occupied by anyone, will be bound to supply the full said default within a month from the day of the reminder of the said Thomas or his messenger. So that any of those ones may be bound fully to the same Thomas for the full satisfaction of this, also if within a month after the point of payment to be made the payment were not made to the said Thomas or his messenger, then the same Thomas or his messenger could complain regarding the default of payment not made to him in the allotted term. Thence it is that I humbly beseech your sanctity, Holy Father, and I request on behalf of me and my heirs that you deign to confirm the aforesaid gift and allotment made to the said Thomas, and that for the observance of all the aforesaid you compel me and my heirs through judgments of excommunication for our persons and of interdict for our lands held and to be held, any contradiction notwithstanding, for as long as the same Thomas will have lived after my death. Granted in the year of the Lord 1242 on the day of blessed Nicholas. To G., the most holy father and Lord, by God’s grace the highest pontiff, Margaret lady of Dampierre, his humble daughter, kisses to (your) blessed feet. I desire to make known to your Sanctity that lady Joan countess of Flanders and of Hainaut, and my dearest sister, has given, granted, and allotted to the nobleman lord Thomas count of Flanders and of Hainaut, her husband, as included below, income and proceeds up to the value of six thousand pounds of Artesian currency to be collected after the death of the said countess by Thomas himself every year for as long as he will have lived or by the particular messenger of Thomas himself, if the same Thomas will have survived the countess herself, and for this the said countess has expressly obliged herself and her land, specifically places named below, to the same Thomas, promising by oath taken that she will never challenge the aforesaid gift, grant, and allotment through herself or through another, nor will she revoke them, but she will observe and will take care that it be observed, renouncing every right and customary right through which she could attempt anything against the aforesaid gift, grant, and allotment. She has ordered that the allotment of the said six thousand pounds occur in this way, so that from the revenues of Gastinois both old and new the same Thomas of Flanders should collect one thousand five hundred pounds of the aforesaid money and for all the income of the villa of Dam. eight hundred pounds, for the rent and incomes of Thorouth two hundred pounds, for the rent and incomes of the new port three hundred pounds, for the Cassel toll(1) two hundred pounds, for the wood and revenues from the wood and the land from timber(2) one thousand pounds, for the dam with appurtenances seven hundred pounds, for the town granary three hundred pounds, for the Furnes(3) granary six hundred pounds, and for the town granary five hundred pounds. However in any place named above concerning all the incomes, rents, and revenues and in whatever name those things that belong to the place itself may be taxed, in no respect at all will a lord or lady be able nor should s/he collect in any case through him/herself or through another unless the said Thomas of Flanders or his messenger first will have totally received the sum of money allotted to him in the said place, and in the place in which the said Thomas will have received his total allotment which is owed to him annually the lord of the land must receive the remainder. Moreover, the receivers, whether they be hereditary or not hereditary, of the said revenues, rents, and incomes, and even the lessors or collectors, in whatever name they may be taxed, all will swear that, whatever mandate they will have received from the lord or from the lady of the land concerning this, they will pay or render nothing from the said revenues, incomes, and rents through themselves or through another, to the lord of the land or to another before the same Thomas or his messenger will have received completely the money granted and allotted to him in all the above-said revenues, incomes, and rents. Likewise the revenue, income, and rents must be protected and received fully in the name of said Thomas each year until the said Thomas either through himself or his messenger will have received each year fully and completely the aforesaid sum of money allotted to him in the aforesaid places. Also the same Thomas or his messenger will collect from the receivers of the revenues, incomes, and rents and from the lessors or collectors themselves the sum of money allotted to him in the said places at three points of the year, in any point a third part of all the money granted and allotted to him as is stated above [sic]. The first point is at the feast of blessed Thomas the apostle, before Christmas. The second point is in the middle of Lent, namely the Sunday on which “Rejoice O Jerusalem” is sung. The third point is within the month after the feast of blessed John the Baptist, and all the aforesaid must be firmly observed. The aforesaid lessors and receivers or collectors are bound to swear and through their oath to fulfill each and every thing fully and completely. And if in any contingent case the aforesaid revenues, incomes, and rents were lacking or were not sufficient for the sum granted and allotted to the said Thomas or even were not paid to him, the lord of Flanders, as well as he who was occupying the aforesaid places, if by chance it were to happen that the aforesaid places were occupied by anyone, will be bound to supply the full said default within a month from the day of the reminder of the said Thomas or his messenger. So that any of those ones may be bound fully to the same Thomas for the full satisfaction of this, also if within a month after the point of payment to be made the payment were not made to the said Thomas or his messenger, then the same Thomas or his messenger could complain regarding the default of payment not made to him in the allotted term. But I Margaret, lady of Dampierre, wish that the aforesaid allotment of six thousand pounds made to the said Thomas, as is included above, all land and property which he holds or in any way will hold, be quit and fully free from all debts incurred through the letters patent of the said count Thomas and the countess, or similarly through the letters patent of the countess, (debts) which might remain after the countess’ death, notwithstanding any customary right contrary to this, and I have praised and praise the aforesaid gift and allotment of the aforesaid six thousand pounds and I have considered and consider all the above-said as sure, as is contained more fully in the letters of the countess, and I have consented and consent to these same things on behalf of me and my successors or heirs and I have promised and promise in good faith to the above-said Thomas that neither through me nor through another will I attempt to challenge any of the aforesaid or anything, but I will firmly observe and in good faith will take care that it be observed. Also it should be known that I have given and conceded to the said Thomas whatever right I have or could have regarding any movable goods which he will have received and held and even those things which another will have held and received for him up to the time of the death of my said sister so that after the said time all the said movable goods will be his. Renouncing on behalf of me and my heirs every arrangement and right of privilege and customary right through which thing or things I or my heirs could attempt anything against the said Thomas or seek anything from the same reckoning of the aforesaid movable goods through which thing or things I or my heirs could attempt anything against the aforesaid allotment or anything of the aforesaid, and for the observance of all the aforesaid I have obliged and oblige to the same Thomas myself and my heirs and successors and all my property both held and to be held. I have promised and I promise to the same Thomas on behalf of me and my heirs or successors that I and my heirs or successors will make the lessors and receivers or collectors of the aforesaid revenues, incomes, and rents swear, namely those who have not sworn, on each and every thing which has been expressed above whenever we will have been requested by the said Thomas or his messenger. Moreover I promise on behalf of me and my heirs, to the same Thomas and his messenger, to defend and guarantee in good faith all the aforesaid, beseeching your Sanctity, Holy Father and requesting on behalf of me and my heirs that you deign to confirm the aforesaid gift and allotment made to the said Thomas and that for the observance of all the aforesaid you compel us through judgment of interdict on our land both held and to be held, notwithstanding any contradiction, for as long as the said Thomas will have lived if he will have survived the said countess. For the validation and perpetual security and memory of the aforesaid I have sealed the present letters with my own seal. Granted at Quesnoy in the year of the lord 1242, Wednesday after the feast of all saints.

Therefore, judging it worthy that inclined to your requests we should carry them out, as a well-beloved son whom it pleases us [to hold] in the the embrace of benediction and favor, holding what was done in this case by those same noble ones as favorable and secure. We confirm it with apostolic authority and secure it with the patronage of the present document. Therefore may it be allowed to no person at all to violate this document of our confirmation or to contradict it with audacious attempt. However if anyone will have presumed to attempt this may he know that he will incur the indignation of omnipotent God and of His blessed apostles Peter and Paul. Granted at Lateran 3rd nones of December, in the first year of our pontificate [1243].(4)

Original letter:

Innocentius episcopus seruus seruorum Dei. Dilecto filio nobili uiro T. comiti Flandrie salutem et apostolicam benedicionem. Clara generis tui fama progenitorumque tuorum feruentis sinceritatis deuotio et integritas fidei quam semper ad romanam ecclesiam habuerunt euidenti nos edocent argumenta ut in hiis eorum uerus heres existens et filius illa queras agere studio sollicitudinis indefesse per que apostolorum principi complaceas nosque proinde te sicut filium ecclesie specialem prosequi prerogatiua fauoris et gratie teneamur. Sicut igitur lecta coram nobis tua petitio continebat dilecta in Xpo filia nobilis mulier I. comitissa Flandrie uxor tua dilecte in Xpo filie nobilis mulieris M. domine de Dampetra sororis ipsius. sibi si superuixerit successure spontaneo ac legitimo accedente consensu. annuum sex milium librarum artisiensium redditum percipiendum in quibusdam possessionibus et redditibus suis iuramento prestito tibi quoad uixeris prouida liberalitate concessit sicut in utrisque litteris confectis exinde plenius continetur quarum tenores de uerbo ad uerbum inseri presentibus fecimus qui sunt tales. Sanctissimo patri ac domino Dei gratia summo pontifici I. Flandrie et hayn. comitissa eius humilis filia pedum oscula beatorum sanctitati uestre notum fieri uolo quod ego Thome comiti Flandrie et hayn . domino et marito meo de assensu carissime sororis mee et heredis mei prout in litteris suis super hoc confectis plenius continetur dedi et concessi et assignaui prout inferius continetur prouentus seu fructus usque ad ualorem sex milium librarum artisiensium percipiendos post mortem meam ab ipso Thoma singulis annis quandiu uixerit uel a nuntio ipsius Thome speciali si me superuixerit idem Thomas et ad hoc me et terram meam et spetialiter loca inferius nominata eidem Thome expresse obligaui promittens iuramento prestito quod contra predictas donationem concessionem et assignationem per me uel per alium numquam eueniam nec eas reuocabo sed obseruabo et obseruari procurabo renuncians omni iuri et consuetudini per que possem contra predictas donationem concessionem et assignationem aliquid attemptare. dictarum autem sex milium librarum assignationem ordinaui fieri in hunc modum. ut de redditibus Wastinarum tam ueterum quam nouarum Flandrie percipiat idem Thomas mille et quingentas libras predicte monete et ad omnes prouentus uille de Dam. octingentas libras ad accensam et prouentus de Trehout ducentas libras ad accensam et prouentus noui portus trecentas libras. ad Theloneum casletensem ducentas libras. ad nemus et prouentus nemoris et terre de niepa mille libras. ad sclusam cum pertinentiis setcentas libras ad spirarium burgensem. trecentas libras. ad spirarium furnensem sexcentas libras. et ad spirarium burgensem quingentas libras. Quolibet autem loco superius nominato de prouentibus omnibus accensis et redditibus quocumque nomine censeantur que ad ipsum locum pertinent nichil penitus per se uel per alium aliquo casu percipere poterit nec debebit dominus uel domina Flandrie nisi prius dictus Thomas uel eius nuntius totaliter receperit summam pecunie sibi in dictis locis assignatam et in loco in quo dictus Thomas suam receperit assignationem totalem que sibi annuatim debetur dominus terre residuum recipere debet. Receptores autem siue hereditarii sint siue non hereditarii dictorum reddituum accensarum et proventuum ac etiam accensatores seu collectores quocumque nomine censeantur. omnes iurabunt quod de dictis redditibus prouentibus et accensis per se uel per alium domino terre uel alii quodcumque mandatum a domino uel a domina terre super hoc receperint nichil soluent nec reddent antequam idem Thomas uel eius nuntius integre receperit pecuniam sibi datam et assignatam in redditibus prouentibus et accensis omnibus supradictis. Item nomine dicti Thome redditus prouentus et accense integre recipi et reseruari debent singulis annis donec dictus Thomas per se uel per suum nuntium receperit annis singulis plene et integre predictam summam pecunie sibi in dictis locis assignatam. Percipiet autem idem Thomas uel eius nuntius a receptoribus reddituum prouentuum et accensarum et ab ipsis accensatoribus seu collectoribus summam pecunie sibi in dictis locis assignatam tribus terminis anni quolibet termino tertiam partem totius pecunie sibi date et assignate prout superius dictum est. Primus autem terminus est in festo sancti Thome apostoli ante natalem. Secundus terminus est in medio quadragesime uidelicet dominica qua cantatur Letare ierusalem. Tertius terminus est infra mensem post festum beati Iohannis baptiste. et supradicta omnia firmiter obseruanda. accensatores et receptores seu collectores predicti iurare tenentur et per suum sacramentum plene et integre uniuersa et singula adimplere. Et si aliquo casu contingente redditus prouentus et accense predicta non essent aut non sufficerent ad summam dicto Thome datam et assignatam uel etiam sibi non soluerentur dominus Flandrie nec non et ille qui predicta loca detineret. si forte contingeret predicta loca ab alio detineri. infra mensem a die submonitionis dicte Thome uel eius nuntii acl plenum tenebitur dictum supplere defectum. Ita quod quilibet illorum usque ad huiusmodi satisfactionem plenariam eidem Thome integro teneatur et si infra mensem post terminum solutionis faciendo non esset dicto Thome uel eius nuntio facta solutio ex tunc idem Thomas uel eius nuntius posset conqueri de defectu solutionis sibi non facte termino assignato. Inde est quod sanctitati uestre humiliter supplico pater sancte et requiro pro me et heredibus meis ut predictas donationem et assignationem dicto Thome factas dignemini confirmare. et me heredesque meos per excomunicationis in personas et interdicti in terras nostras habitas et habendas sententias ad obseruationem predictorum omnium compellatis contradictione aliqua non obstante quandiu post mortem meam uixerit idem Thomas. Datum anno Domini milesimo ducentesimo quadragesimo secundo. in die beati Nicolai. G. sanctissimo patri ac Domino Dei gratia summo pontifici Margarita domina de Dampetra eius humilis filia pedum oscula beatorum sanctitati uestre notum fieri cupio quod domina et soror mea carissima Iohanna Flandrie et hayn. comitissa uiro nobili domino Thome marito suo comiti Flandrie et hayn. dedit et concessit et assignauit prout inferius continetur prouentus seu fructus usque ad ualorem sex mille librarum artisiensium percipiendarum post mortem dicte comitisse ab ipso Thoma singulis annis quamdiu uixerit uel a nuntio ipsius Thome speciali si ipsam comitissam superuixerit idem Thomas et ad hoc dicta comitissa se et terram suam fit specialiter loca inferius nominata eidem Thome expresse obligauit promittens iuramento prestito quod contra predictas donationem concessionem et assignationem per se uel per alium numquam ueniet nec eas reuocabit. sed obseruabit et obseruari procurabit renuncians omni iuri et consuetudini per que posset contra predictas donationem concessionem et assignationem aliquid attemptare. dictarum autem sex mille librarum assignationem ordinauit fieri in hunc modum ut de redditibus Wastinarum tam ueterum quam nouarum Flandrie percipiat idem Thomas mille et quingentas libras predicte monete et ad omnes prouentus uille de Dam. octingentas libras ad prouentus et accensam de Thorouth ducentas libras. ad accensam et prouentus nouiportus trecentas libras. ad Theloneum Casletensem ducentas libras. ad nemus et prouentus nemoris et terre de niepa mille libras. ad seclusam cum pertinentiis sexcentas libras. ad spirarium burgensem trecentas libras. ad spirarium turnensem sexcentas libras. et ad spirarium burgensem quingentas libras. Quolibet autem loco superius nominato de prouentibus omnibus accensis et redditibus quocumque nomine censeantur. que ad ipsum locum pertinent nichil penitus per se uel per alium aliquo casu percipere poterit. nec debeat dominus uel domina Flandrie nisi prius dictus Thomas uel eius nuntius totaliter receperit summam pecunie sibi in a dicto loco assignatam et in loco in quo dictus Thomas suam receperit assignationem totalem que sibi annuatim debetur dominus terre residuum recipere debet. Receptores autem siue hereditarii sint siue uon hereditarii dictorum reddituum accensarum et prouentuum ac etiam accensatores seu collectores. quocumque nomine censeantur omnes iurabunt quod de dictis redditibus prouentibus et accensis per se uel per alium domino terre uel alii quodcumque mandatum a domino uel domina terre super hoc receperint nichil soluent uel reddent antequam idem Thomas uel eius nuntius integre receperit pecuniam sibi datam et assignatam in redditibus prouentibus et accensis omnibus supradictis. Item nomine dicti Thome redditus prouentus et accense integre recipi et seruari debent singulis annis donec dictus Thomas per se uel per suum nuntium receperit annis singulis plene et integre predictam summam pecucunie sibi in predictis locis assignatam. Percipiet autem dictus Thomas uel eius nuntius a receptoribus reddituum prouentuum et accensarum et ab ipsi accensatoribus seu collectoribus summam pecunie sibi dictis locis assignatam tribus terminis anni. Quolibet termino tertiam partem totius pecunie sibi date et assignate prout superius dictum est. Primus autem terminus est in festo beati Thome apostoli ante natale. Secundus terminus est in media quadragesima. uidelicet dominica qua cantatur Letare Ierusalem. Tertius terminus est infra mensem post festum beati Iohannis baptiste et predicta omnia firmiter obseruanda. Accensatores et receptores seu collectores predicti iurare tenentur et per suum sacramentum plene et integre uniuersa et singula adimplere. et si casu aliquo contingente redditus prouentus et accense predicta non essent aut non sufficerent ad summam dicto Thome datam et assignatam uel sibi etiam non soluerentur dominus Flandrie nec non et ille qui predicta loca detineret. Si forte contingeret predicta loca ab alio detineri infra mensem a die submonitionis dicti Thome uel eius nuntii ad plenum tenebitur dictum supplere defectum. Ita quod quilibet illorum usque ad huiusmodi satisfactionem plenariam eidem Thome integre teneatur et si infra mensem post terminum solutionis faciendo non esset dicto Thome uel eius nuntio facta solutio ex tunc idem Thomas uel eius nuntius posset conqueri de defectu solutionis sibi non facte termino assignato. Ego uero Margarita domina de Dampetra predictam assignationem sex mille librarum dicto Thome factam ut superius continetur omnem terram et bona que habet uel quocumque modo esset habiturus ab omnibus debitis per literas patentes dictorum Thome comitis et comitisse simul uel per litteras patentes comitisse tantum contractis que post mortem comitisse remanerent quita esse uolo et penitus libera aliqua super hoc contraria consuetudine non obstante predictas autem donationem et assignationem de predictis seu mille libris et omnia supradicta prout in litteris comitisse plenius continentur. laudaui et laudo. rata habui et habeo. et eisdem pro me et pro meis successoribus nel heredibus consensi et consentio et promisi bona fide et promitto supradicto Thome quod nec per me nec per alium ueniam contra aliquod predictorum nec contra ea aliquid attemptabo. sed firmiter obseruabo et bona fide obseruari procurabo. Item sciendum quod ego donaui et concessi dicto Thome quicquid iuris habeo aut habere possem super quibuscumque mobilibus que receperit et habuerit et etiam illa que alius pro eo habuerit et receperit usque ad tempus obitus dicte sororis mee ut post dictum tempus dicta omnia mobilia sua sint. Renuntians pro me et heredibus meis omni constitutioni et priuilegio iuri et consuetudini per quod uel per que contra dictum Thomam ego aut heredes mei possemus aliquid attemptare uel petere aliquid ab eodem ratione mobilium predictorum uel per que uel per quod ego uel heredes mei possemus contra predictum assegnamentum uel contra aliquod predictorum aliquod attemptare et ad obseruationem omnium predictorum obligaui et obligo eidem Thome me. heredes et successores meos et omnia bona mea tam habita quam habenda. Promisi etiam et promitto eidem Thome pro me et heredibus siue successoribus meis quod ego et heredes uel successores mei accensatores et receptores seu collectores predictorum reddituum prouentuum et accensarum iurare faciemus illos uidelicet qui non iurarunt uniuersa et singula que superius sunt expressa quandocumque a dicto Thoma uel eius nuntio fuerimus requisiti. Insuper et predicta omnia eidem Thome et eius nuncio defensare et garantire bona fide promitto pro me et heredibus meis Supplicans sanctitati uestre pater sancte et requirens pro me et heredibus meis ut predictas donationem et assiguationem dicto Thome factas confirmare dignemini et nos per interdicti sententiam in terram nostram tam habitam quam habendam ad obseruationem omnium predictorum compellatis. contradictione aliqua non obstante, quamdiu uixerit dictus Thomas si superuixerit dictam comitissam In robur autem et securitatem perpetuam et memoriam predictorum sigillo meo proprio presentes litteras sigillaui. Datum apud Quercetum anno domini milesiimo ducentesimo quadragesimo secundo feria quarta post festum omnium sanctorum. Dignum igitur arbitrantes ut nos te ueluti filium predilectum in quo nobis bene complacet in amplexu benedictionis et gratie prosequamur tuis precibus inclinati. quod ab eisdem nobilibus factum extitit in hac parte gratum et ratum habentes. id auctoritate apostolica confirmamus et presentis scripti patrocinlio communimus. Nulli ergo omnino hominum liceat hanc paginam nostre confirmationis infringere uel ei ausu temerario contraire. Si quis autem hoc attemptare presumpserit indignationem omnipotentis Dei et beatorum Petri et Pauli apostolorum eius se nouerit incursurum. Datum Lateranense III nonas decembris. Pontificatus nostri anno primo.

Historical context:

The donation granted by countess Joan of Flanders to her husband, Thomas count of Savoy, which she submitted to the pope, with the agreement of her sister and heir, Margaret, was confirmed and approved by Innocent IV in a document sent to Thomas. Joan’s donation which is cited in full by the pope is presented here within the pope’s bull addressed to Thomas. as is Margaret’s letter of agreement. Joan guaranteed Thomas six thousand pounds annually, from the revenues of her estates. The letters of the sisters, dated before the papacy of innocent IV, which began in June 1243, may have been addressed to Gregory IX, who died in August 1241, though the letters are dated 1242. The papacy was vacant, except for a few weeks in 1241when it was filled by Celestine IV. Thomas apparently applied to Innocent once he was in place to confirm the documents.

Scholarly notes:

1 Theloneum is a tax on the transport and sale of goods.
2 The translation is based on the similarity of niepa, otherwise unnoted, to nepta, tinder.
3 In Margaret's letter, the word is turnensem, which must be a typographical error for furnensem.
4 The translation was provided by Ashleigh Imus.

Manuscript source:

R. Arch di Corte. Bolle e Brevi Innoc. IV, m.1, n.4

Printed source:

HPM Historiae Patriae Monumenta by order of Carlo Alberto (Off.Regia, Torino: 1836), 1 c.1360-64.





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