A letter from Benzo, bishop of Alba (1080)


Benzo, bishop of Alba


Adelaide of Turin and Susa

Translated letter:

To lady Adelaide, noble of the Roman senate, brother Benzo through the will of God [sends] the keys of the whole empire. He is not a man of sound mind who would try to oppose the will of the Almighty. Our thinking is worth nothing, our attempt nothing as well, since God will act according to the will of his power. For all things, whatever he wanted, he did in heaven and on earth, on the sea and in all the abysses. For where can we flee so that we not do his will? This flight would be in vain, as the psalmist testifies: “Where shall I flee from your face? If I climb to heaven, you are there, if I descend to hell, you are present” [Ps.138:7]. Finally it was no use to Jonah that he took flight; willing, not willing, he ministered the word of salvation to the Ninevites. All are, therefore, in the will of God. And you alone strive now against his rule? For God until today has fulfilled your desire in all things. Certainly, whether you wish or not, God will do with you as it pleases him. Surely it is ordained by divine disposition that you ought to be over peoples and kingdoms, that you might root out, destroy, disperse, scatter, and after that build and plant. You however say: “I do not wish to” and God says: “I wish it”; who therefore will be the victor between the two of you? Certainly, certainly, God will do according to his will with his handmaiden who up to now has been protected by him like the pupil of the eye. Look therefore willingly with favor on what you will do unwillingly, so that there may be a double recompense for you in this and the other life. Blessed those who hear the word of God and keep it.

Original letter:

Domnae Adelegidae, Romani senatus patriciae, frater Benzo per voluntatem Dei claves tocius imperii. Non est ille homo sanae mentis, qui conatur contraire voluntati Omnipotentis. Nichil valet noster cogitatus, nichil itidem noster conatus, quia Deus faciet secundum voluntatem sui potentatus. Omnia enim, quaecumque voluit, fecit in coelo et in terra, in mari et in omnibus abyssis. Quo enim possumus fugere ut non faciamus voluntatem eius? In cassum fit fuga ista, sicut testatur psalmista: “Quo a facie tua fugiam? si ascendero in coelum, tu illic es, si descendero in infernum, ades” [Ps.138:7]. Nil denique valuit Ionae quod fugam paravit; nolens, volens, verbum salutis Ninivitis ministravit. In voluntate ergo Dei universa sunt posita. Et vos sola nitimini modo contra eius imperium? Nam Deus usque hodie in omnibus adimplevit vestrum desiderium. Certe, velitis, nolitis, Deus faciet de vobis sicut sibi placuerit. Ordinatum est quippe divina dispositione, quod esse debetis super gentes et regna, ut evellatis, destruatis, disperdatis, dissipetis, post hec aedificetis, atque plantetis. Vos autem dicitis: “Nolo,” et Deus dicit: “Ego volo”; quis igitur erit victor de vobis duobus? Certe, certe, Deus faciet secundum suam voluntatem de sua ancilla, quae actenus custodita est ab eo tamquam oculi pupilla. Favite ergo sponte, quod facietis invita, ut sit vobis duplex retributio et in hac et in altera vita. Beati, qui audiunt verbum Dei, et custodiunt illud.

Historical context:

The bishop of Alba wrote a metrical letter to Burchard, bishop of Lausanne, Chancellor of Italy, urging him to obtain the alliance of the countess and make her leader of the imperial party in Lombardy (MGH, SS 11.646-47). Presumably Benzo was then encouraged to negotiate with her and wrote a series of letters in that cause, of which this is the second.

Printed source:

MGH, SS 11.654, ep.11





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