A letter from Henry III (05/24/1259)


Henry III


Marguerite of Provence

Translated letter:

Power to Margaret, queen of France, R. earl of Gloucester and Hertford, P. de Sabaudia [Savoy] and J. Maunsel to treat of a marriage between John first-born son of J. count of Brittany, and Beatrice the king's daughter; and the king will ratify what they do. The like, without the ratification and with this clause: `and when the king comes to France, he will ratify what they have done.'

Historical context:

The king gives Margaret and others, including her uncle, power to negotiate a marriage for his daughter. The marriage took place in 1260. The Calendar gives only a summary of the letter in English.

Printed source:

Calendar of the Patent Rolls of the Reign of Henry III, 5 (1258-66), 25.





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