A letter to Stephen John and brothers


Bernard Ato V
Guillelma of Montpellier


Stephen John

Translated letter:

Chirograph, divided by letters of the alphabet in the margin, in which it is noted – in the year 1152 from the incarnation of the Lord in the reign of king Louis – Bernard Ato V, viscount, and Guilelma, viscountess, his wife, conferred on Stephen John and his brothers Qilliam, Bernard, and Pons, and their successors, 3 pieces of land situated in the tithing of St. Cesarius, in the place that is called Soteiribas, as a benefice, for bread and wine, on the condition that said brothers or their successors will pay from all the fruits that proceed from it a quarter and also from each cartariata (measure of land) one capon of rent.  For which donation, said viscount had 7 St. Giles pounds and said viscountess 30 solidos of that money from said brothers.  “Witnesses:  Peter of Vezenobres; Guirald of Olmeto; Pons of St. Cesarius, and three others.  Bernard, ordered by both sides, wrote it.”

Original letter:

Chirographum, per litteras alphabeti in margine divisum, quo notum fit, -- anno ab incarnatione Domini M.C.LII, regnante Lodoyco rege, -- Bernardum Atonem V vicecomitem, et Vilelmam vicecomitissam, uxorem ejus, Stephano Joanni et ejusdem fratribus, Vilelmo, Bernardo et Poncio, eorumque successoribus, III. pecias terrae sitas in decimaria Sancti Cesarii, in loco qui vocatur Soteiribas, in beneficium, ad panem et ad vinum, contulisse, ea lege ut praefati fratres vel eorum successores de omnibus fructibus qui inde processerint cartum, nec non, de unaquaque cartariata, unum caponem de censu sint soluturi.  Propter quam donationem praefatus vicecomes, VII. libras Egidienses et praefata vicecomitissa XXX solidos ejusdem monete a praedictis fratribus habuerunt. – “Testes:  Petrus de Vezenobrio; Guiraldo de Olmeto; Poncius de Sancto Cesario, et tres alii.  Bernardus, mandatus ex utraque parte, scripsit.”

Historical context:

Summary of a charter in which the viscount and viscountess confer a piece of land on a man and his three brothers. 

Printed source:

Layettes du Trésor des Chartes, 1.70, #127.





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