A letter from Marie of France, countess of Champagne and Troyes ()
Marie of France, countess of Champagne and Troyes
Louis VII, King of France
Translated letter:
To Louis, by the grace of God king of the French, her dearest lord and most beloved father, M[arie] countess of Troyes, whatever a daughter [owes] to a father.
Trusting in your paternal love, I urgently pray the kindness of your majesty to relinquish the anger you have towards Hugo of Sens, the tenant of my lord Count, and the suit you have against him, for love of God and me, and, if it please your royal majesty, deign to show some mercy to him mercifully. For that I will be grateful to you and he will feel that my prayers have served him with your kindness. Fare well.
Original letter:
Ludorico, Dei gratia Regi Francorum, carissimo domino et patri suo dilectissimo, M. Trecensis Comitissa, quicquid patri filia. De dilectione paternitatis vestrae confisa, majestatis vestrae benignitatem obnixe deprecor, quatinus iram quam adversus Hugonem Senonensem, hospitem Comitis domini mei, habetis, et querelam quam nunc ab eo exigitis, amore Dei et mei sibi condonetis, et amodo, si placet, vestra regalis majestas aliquantulum misericorditer misericordiam sibi conferre dignetur: ut exinde grates vobis referam, etipse preces meas apud benignitatem vestram sibi profuisse sentiat. Valete.
Historical context:
Marie sends her father a plea for leniency to one of her husband’s men.
Printed source:
HGF16 ep.353, p.115
This is an archived work created in 2024 and downloaded from Columbia University Academic Commons.