A letter from Fortunatus (after 567)




Agnes, abbess of the Holy Cross
Radegund of Thuringia

Translated letter:

I the son to the mother, at the same time brother to the sister bring small gifts with a devoted breast. With the third joined, I bear three gifts to the two: sweet apples are appropriate to sweet souls. But now give indulgence to me that it is held in such a temple: for the gifts it carries, the basket will be the letter.

Original letter:

Matri natus ego, frater simul ipse sorori pectore devoto parvula dona fero. tertius unitus tria munera porto duabus: tam dulces animas dulcia poma decent. sed date nunc veniam mihi quod fano tali habetur: munera quae portet, charta canister erit.

Historical context:

Bishop Venantius Fortunatus met Agnes and her patron, Radegund, when he visited Poitiers. They became good friends and exchanged epistolary poems and small gifts until the women died. After her death, Fortunatus wrote a life of Radegund emphasizing her ascetic qualities.

Printed source:

Venanti Fortunati Opera Poetica, ed. Fridericus Leo (Berlin: Weidmann, 1881), 288, Appendix, xxvii.


after 567



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