A letter from Viscount Gerbert


Viscount Gerbert


Raymond IV, count of Pallars
Valencia of Tost

Translated letter:

On  the thirteenth kalends of July in the 6th year of the reign of king Philip, this agreement or donation was made by viscount Gerbert, son of Adalgard, with count Raymond, son of Ermessend, for that castrum of Tenriu, which viscount Gerbert took through count Raymond and his wife by name Valencia for half of that castrum of Tenriu, and its boundaries and appurtenances, said Gerbert took that half through count Raymond and his wife Valencia as fief.  And Gerbert gives to said count Raymond and countess Valencia entry and exit and waging war against all men or women.  And moreover he gives him that allod which was comital and 1 reception each year, 60 focages and 2 single pigs and 1 sheep and three measures of grain and 6 sesters of wine and from one man by name Altemir, his whole tenth.  And these agreements and this donation should remain firm for all time.  And after the death of count Raymond, it will remain to the sons or daughters of count Raymond, whom he will leave it to or designate.  In these agreements viscount Gerbert and his posterity will stay with the sons and daughters of count Raymond, so that viscount Gerbert cannot choose another patron except count Raymond and his wife Valencia and their sons and daughters and their posterity.  And viscount Gerbert will do military service and cavalry for Tenriu to count Raymond and his posterity.  And viscount Gerbert entrusts himself to said count Raymond for the castellany of Tenriu and what he holds today and others which will have been there for Gerbert for all time.


Original letter:

Tercio decimo kal. iulii anno VI regnante Philippum rege facta est ista conveniencia vel donacione que fecit Gerbert veçcomte, filio Adalgards, ad Raimundo comite, filio Ermessendis, de ipso castro de Tenriu, quod prendidit Gerbert, vezcomte, per Raimundo comite et per uxorem suam nomine Valencia ipsa medietate de ipso castro de Tenriu, et de suis terminis et pertinenciis prendit Gerberto suprascripto per Raimundo comite et uxorem suam Valencia ipsa medietate per feo. Et donat Gerbert superscripto ad Raimundo comite et Valencia comitissa intrare et exire et gerregare contra omnes homines vel feminas. Adque insuper donat ad illum ipsum alode qui fuit comtal et I receto per unoquisque anno, LX fogaxas et II porcos sollares et I molton et tres modios de civada et VI ss. de vino et uno homine nomine Altemir tota sua decima. Et ista conveniencia et ista donacionem firma permaneat omnique tempore. Et post obitum de Raimundo, comite, remaneat ad filios suos vel filias suas de Reimundo, comite, que ille lexaverit vel dubitaverit. In ista conveniencia estia Gerbert, vezcomte, et sua posterita ad filios et filias de Raimundo, comite, que non possit Gerbert, vezcomte, alium patronum eligere nisi Raimundo comite et uxorem suam Valencia et filios suos et filias et sua posterita. Et faciat Gerbert, vezcomte, ost et cavalgada de Tenriu ad Reimundo, comite, et ad sua posterita. Et coman Gerbert, vezcomte, illo castellano de Tenriu al comte Raimundo iam dicto et de isto qui hodie hoc tenet et de aliis qui pro Gerbert ibidem fuerint omnique tempore.



Historical context:

A separate document of agreement from viscount Gerbert to the count and countess, accepting half the castrum of Tenriu, which his mother Adalgarda and brother Arnal held by a similar agreement (see LFM #111).  Castrum is the administrative district around and including a fortified castle.  

Printed source:

Liber Feudorum Maior, ed. F.M. Rosell (Barcelona, 1945), 1.114-15, #111.  


June 19, 1066



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