Data (Information)

Equilibrium Mechanical Properties of the Human Uterus in Tension and Compression: Experimental Data

Fang, Shuyang; Duarte Cordon, Camilo A.; Vink, Joy-Sarah Yumiko; Advincula, Arnold Patrick; Myers, Kristin M.

This dataset contains results from spherical indentation and uniaxial tension experiments conducted on human uterine tissue. The data in this file correspond to the manuscript entitled "Equilibrium Mechanical Properties of the Human Uterus in Tension and Compression", to be published in Acta Biomaterialia. The dataset includes the following two (2) files:

- "RawData_Indentation.xlsx": raw data indentation experiments
- "RawData_Tension.xlsx": raw data tension experiments

Each file includes the experimental indentation/tension equilibrium forces, indentation Lagrangian strain data, and specimen dimensions (length, width, and height) for all tested specimens. The raw data also includes information about gestational status (NP = non-pregnant, PG = pregnant), the location in the uterus (anterior = anterior wall, fundus = fundal wall, and posterior = posterior wall; see Fig 1. in README file), and the relative location in the uterine wall layers (1 – 6 = outermost layer to innermost layer).


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More About This Work

Academic Units
Mechanical Engineering
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Published Here
January 7, 2025