A letter from Boniface (735?-55)




Lioba/Leobgytha/Leoba, abbess of Tauberbischofsheim

Translated letter:

To the reverend handmaid of Christ, Lioba, held ever in sincere affection, Boniface, servant of the servants of God, sends heartfelt greeting in Christ. Be it known to you, dear and holy sister, that our brother and fellow priest Torthat has reported to us that in response to his request you are willing to permit a certain maiden to receive instruction for a time, if we would give our consent. Be assured, therefore, that whatever you may see fit to do in this matter for the increase of her merits shall have our consent and approval. Farewell in Christ.

Original letter:

Venerande Christi famule et caritate sincerissima perenniter continendae Leobgythae Bonifatius servus servorum Dei optabilem in Christo salutem. Notum tuae sit sanctitatis dilectioni, quia frater et conpresbiter noster nomine Torhthat — si noster consensus licentiam tribuisset — tempore imperes aliquanto. Quapropter, secundum quod dilectio tua pro suae mercedis augmento de hac re consultum putaverit, nostram consentire et favere voluntatem, indubitanter cognosce. Vale in Christo.

Historical context:

Boniface leaves the decision to Lioba, supporting whatever she wants to do about giving instruction to a young woman.

Printed source:

MGH, Epistolae Merovingici et Karolini Aevi, 6, S.Bonifacii et Lulli Epistolae, ep.96; translation, Ephraim Emerton, The Letters of Saint Boniface (New York: Columbia University Press, 1940, repr.2000), pp.150-1. Reprinted by permission of the publisher.





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