A letter from Amice


Amice of Beaumont



Translated letter:

 Amicia, countess of Montfort makes known that Robert, count of Leicester, her brother, having entered into a peace with lord Philip the king of France, released to him the castle of Paciac with all that pertains to it.  That that said release, as much as pertains to it, is firm, the present writing confirms with her seal.  Enacted in the 1195th year from the incarnation of the Lord.


Original letter:

Amicia comitissa Montisfortis notum facit Robertum comitem Leicestriae, fratrem suum, pace cum domino Phi­lippo Franciae rege inita, eidem castellum Paciaci cum tota castellania in perpetuum quittavisse. Quam quitta­tionem, quantum ad se pertinet, ratam habens, de hoc prasens scriptum sigillo suo confirmat. — "Actum anno ab incarnatione Domini M° c° nonagesimo quinto. »

Historical context:

This is a summary of a document enacted by the countess confirming the release of a castle by her brother to the king of France.

Printed source:

Layettes du trésor des chartes,  #436





This is an archived work created in 2024 and downloaded from Columbia University Academic Commons.