A letter of confirmation


Gremislava of Lutsk



Translated letter:

Since it is proper, as firmly observed by all, that what is reasonably confirmed before suitable men, so we, Gremislava, by the grace of god duchess of Sandomierz, notify all who will see the present writing, that count Pakoslaw of venerable fame, son of Lasote, declared before us and our nobles that he had sold a certain estate of his, called Olbrachcice, to lord Theodore abbot of St. Andres for 37 marks of pure silver, to be possessed by hereditary right in perpetuity by said abbot and his house.  That same count also declared that he had this estate from the donation of his sister, who was the wife of Olbraczski,  from whose donation he said that that sister had possessed that estate ,for many years before this.  But as the law of reason indicates to us whatever is freely possessed may also be freely sold or given; therefore lest anyone might maliciously breach the act of this sale, we have held it proper that it be reinforced by the impression of our seal and the witness of our nobles present, whose names are:  Pacoslaw at that time palatine of Sandomierz, Florian his brother, Peter another brother of his, Jacob son of Rathybor, Rathybor his son, Woyceh son of Stampote, Adam son of Leonard, Michael son of Michael.  Enacted in Woynicz, as the daughter of Béla, king of Hungary, was brought to marry our son Boleslaw, in the 1239th year of the lord’s incarnation.

Original letter:

Quoniam dignum est, ut ab omnibus firmiter obseruetur, quod coram idoneis hominibus racionabiliter confirmatur, Inde est, quod nos Grzymyslawa dei gracia ducissa Sandomirie, Notificamus uniuersis presens scriptum inspecturis, comitem uenerabilis fame Pacoslaum nomine filium Lasote, fassum esse coram nobis et nobilibus nostris, quomodo uendiderit quandam uillam suam, que uocatur Olbrachcice, domino Theodorico abbati Andrzeiowiensi pro XXXVII marcis puri argenti, dicto abbati atque sue domui hereditario iure perpetualiter possidendam. Fassus est eciam tunc idem comes istam villam habuisse ex donacione cuiusdam sue sororis, que fuit uxor Olbraczski; ex cuius eciam donacione dixit ipsam sororem suam plurimis annis ante hoc eandem uillam libere possedisse. Porro quia ius racionis nobis indicat, quod quicquid libere possidetur, hoc eciam libere uendatur uel condonetur; ideo ne aliquis huius uendicionis factum posset maliciose infringere, dignanter duximus hoc ipsum roborandum nostri sigilli impressione atque presencium nostrorum nobilium attestacione, quorum sunt nomina: Pacoslaus tunc temporis palatinus Sandomiriensis, Florianus frater suus, Petrus alius frater suus, Iacobus filius Rathiborij, Rathybor filius suus, Woyceh filius Stampote, Adam filius Leonardi, Michael filius Michaelis. Actum est in Woynicz, cum apportata esset filia Belle regis Hungarie nostro filio Boleslao in uxorem, Anno incarnacionis domini M° cc° xxxix°.

Historical context:

Gremislava confirms the sale of an estate to the Cistercians of the monastery of Jedrzejów by castellan Pakoslaw the Elder.  I am grateful to Talia Zajac for the reference to this charter.

Printed source:

Kodeks dyplomatyczny Małopolski, vol. 1: 1178-1386,  Monumenta Medii Aevi Historica Res Gestas Polonii Illustrantia Tomus III continet: Codicem Diplomaticum Poloniae Minoris, 1178-1386 , ed. Franciszek Piekosiński (Kraków: Akademia Umiejętności/Academia Literarum Craoviensis, 1876),  no.24, p.30.  





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