
Viewpoint: Rigorous monitoring is necessary to guide food system transformation in the countdown to the 2030 global goals

Fanzo, Jessica C.; Haddad, Lawrence; Schneider, Kate R.; Béné, Christophe; Covic, Namukolo M.; Guarin, Alejandro; Herforth, Anna W.; Herrero, Mario; Sumaila, U. Rashid; Aburto, Nancy J.; Amuyunzu-Nyamongo, Mary; Barquera, Simon; Battersby, Jane; Beal, Ty; Bizzotto Molina, Paulina; Brusset, Emery; Cafiero, Carlo; Campeau, Christine; Caron, Patrick

Food systems that support healthy diets in sustainable, resilient, just, and equitable ways can engender progress in eradicating poverty and malnutrition; protecting human rights; and restoring natural resources. Food system activities have contributed to great gains for humanity but have also led to significant challenges, including hunger, poor diet quality, inequity, and threats to nature. While it is recognized that food systems are central to multiple global commitments and goals, including the Sustainable Development Goals, current trajectories are not aligned to meet these objectives. As mounting crises further stress food systems, the consequences of inaction are clear. The goal of food system transformation is to generate a future where all people have access to healthy diets, which are produced in sustainable and resilient ways that restore nature and deliver just, equitable livelihoods.


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International Research Institute for Climate and Society
Published Here
February 7, 2024