
Adele Shtern- ART CART Oral Histories

Shtern, Adele; Westover, Lee Ann; Research Center for Arts and Culture

Adele Shtern's career as an artist spans her entire adult life and her journey from Montréal to Yale to New York City. Throughout that life she has learned to follow her own unique line. Shtern purposefully pushes up against the boundaries of what it means to be a woman, a spiritual being, and an artist in the modern world with wit and aplomb. Traumatic events in her history led to profound healing, as much as freeing herself from convention led directly to her eclectic body of work with a singular message.


  • thumnail for Adele_Shtern_Audio_Clips.docx Adele_Shtern_Audio_Clips.docx application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document 60.1 KB Download File

More About This Work

Academic Units
Research Center for Arts and Culture
Art Cart Collection
Published Here
November 30, 2016


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