
Can Timor-Leste Rely on its Endowments to Achieve the Strategic Development Plan Targets?

Maennling, Nicolas Wolfram

The Government of Timor-Leste invited the Earth Institute and CCSI to advise on the sustainable management and use of oil resources, in order to achieve higher living standards and sustainable development. One component of the project included the preparation of a sector study that assesses whether the Government can rely on agriculture, tourism and the petrochemical sectors to achieve its long term GDP growth and employment targets.

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  • thumnail for Timor-Leste-2012-Endowments-Study.pdf Timor-Leste-2012-Endowments-Study.pdf application/pdf 5.52 MB Download File

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Academic Units
Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment
Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment
Published Here
January 19, 2017