
Musical Pasts and Postmodern Musicologies: A Response to Lawrence Kramer

Tomlinson, Gary

Tomlinson responds to a piece by Lawrence Kramer entitled 'The Musicology
of the Future". According to Tomlinson, 'The Musicology of the Future" seems to linger over old viewpoints more than suggest new ones. It reveals patterns of thought that not only already
threaten to harden into new orthodoxies of postmodern musicology but that have, at the deepest level, moved little from the putative truths they aim to leave behind. What follows is a brief rejoinder to Kramer's vision of the new musicology. He claims, Enough. More than enough. We both, Kramer and I, write books, and have published ones recently that, if not the last words on our approaches,
at least give a clearer sense of their differences in practice than will be had from this exchange. Readers who care to follow these differences might well turn to Music as Cultural Practice and Music in Renaissance Magic.



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Current Musicology

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Academic Units
Columbia University
Published Here
January 29, 2015