
Movement Disorders after Stroke in Adults: A Review

Bansil, Shalini; Prakash, Neel; Kaye, Joel; Wrigley, Sandra; Manata, Christina; Stevens-Haas, Claire; Kurlan, Roger

Background: Movement disorders occur in association with stroke and may have important clinical implications. Methods: We reviewed the medical literature regarding the clinical phenomenology, prevalence, localization and etiologic implications, and treatments for movement disorders occurring after stroke in adult patients. Results: Movement disorders occur uncommonly after stroke and include both hyperkinetic and parkinsonian conditions. They can occur at the time of stroke or appear as a later manifestation. Stroke lesions are typically due to small vessel cerebrovascular disease in the middle or posterior cerebral artery territory, vessels supplying the basal ganglia. Hemorrhagic lesions are more likely to induce hyperkinetic movements. Movement disorders in the setting of stroke tend to resolve spontaneously over time. Medical and surgical therapies are available to treat the movement problems. Discussion: Movement disorders after stroke can be helpful in localizing lesions after stroke, determining the etiology of stroke, may need to be a target for therapy and may importantly influence long term outcome.



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Tremor and Other Hyperkinetic Movements

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Academic Units
Center for Parkinson's Disease and Other Movement Disorders
Published Here
July 6, 2012