Theses Doctoral

Factors Associated with Telehealth Initiation Among Heart Failure Patients at Home

Woo, Kyungmi

This dissertation aims to examine factors associated with telehealth initiation among heart failure patients in home care settings using a mixed methods study design. Chapter One identifies the current gap in the literature on telehealth adoption and the significance of this study in filling this gap. Chapter Two provides an integrative review of the literature on factors affecting heart failure patients’ decision making to accept telehealth services in a home setting. Chapter Three presents a quantitative analysis of data from the Outcome and Assessment Information Set (OASIS) on 2,832 heart failure patients referred to telehealth services using a modified Unified Theory of Acceptance Use of Technology (UTAUT) framework, to identify patient-related factors or characteristics associated with telehealth initiation. Chapter Four describes the findings of a qualitative study using individual telephone interviews with heart failure patients at home to explore reasons for telehealth initiation. Finally, in Chapter Five, the findings of all three studies are summarized and overarching conclusions are reported with a discussion of their relationship to previous research. This chapter concludes with a consideration of the strengths and limitations of the study, and implications for practice, policy, and research.


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Academic Units
Thesis Advisors
Dowding, Dawn
Ph.D., Columbia University
Published Here
June 2, 2018