
Clinical Trials in Hiv-Associated Cognitive Impairment: Cognitive and Functional Outcomes

Schifitto, Giovanni; Kieburtz, Karl; McDermott, Michael P.; McArthur, Justin C.; Marder, Karen; Sacktor, Ned; Palumbo, Donna; Selnes, Ola A.; Stern, Yaakov; Epstein, Leon G.; Albert, Steven M.

Cognitive and functional outcomes are of primary interest in the design of efficacy trials in HIV-associated cognitive impairment. In a longitudinal cohort study, weak associations were found between measures of cognitive performance and commonly used measures of daily functioning (mostly self-report measures) in HIV-infected individuals. Modifications of current functional scales or new functional instruments are needed to assess the clinical relevance of cognitive changes in clinical trials of HIV-associated cognitive impairment.


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February 22, 2018