
Why you should consider doing a Master’s first

Drew, Joshua Adam

A major part of my job at Columbia is directing the MA in Conservation Biology program, and I have spent the better part of this past week going through applications. One of the biggest challenges I am facing is getting the students I want in my lab to come here. Columbia is expensive and I am often competing for students who are probably going to get into Ph.D. programs. Discussing this with my peers over Twitter has brought me to a debate over the relative value of getting a Master’s degree first versus going directly into a Ph.D. program. I’m hoping one of you takes up the Ph.D. option and we can have an honest discussion. As for me, I’m going to present the case for getting a MA/MS first.



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The Drew Lab at Columbia University: Ecology, Evolution And Conservation Of Coral Reefs

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Academic Units
Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology
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October 6, 2014