
Forward with Osmosis: Emerging Applications for Greater Sustainability

Hoover, Laura A.; Phillip, William A.; Tiraferri, Alberto; Yip, Ngai Yin; Elimelech, Menachem

Many conventional practices in the production and use of water, energy, and food are unsustainable. Existing technologies and concepts can be improved with the integration of forward osmosis, a membrane-based technology that uses osmosis as its driving force. This Feature highlights five emerging applications of forward osmosis that elegantly bypass the difficult step of draw solution regeneration and make common processes more sustainable. These applications enhance the efficiency of the production and use of water, energy, and food; utilize wastes and abundant, low value resources; and better protect the environment.


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Environmental Science and Technology

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Academic Units
Earth and Environmental Engineering
American Chemical Society
Published Here
July 2, 2016