
Sonia Gechtoff - ART CART Oral History

Gechtoff, Sonia; Golshani, Lisa Shirin; Jiang, Nan; Teachers College. Research Center for Arts and Culture

Sonia Gechtoff is a painter who has worked in the Bay Area, CA, and in the NYC artist communities. She describes the differences between Bay Area and NY abstract expressionist painting and her experiences with each. She also talks about the differences between the two communities in terms of how women were treated. Her husband was also a painter and Gechtoff describes how their marriage was as two painters who respected each other’s work and raising a family supported by two artists. She explains the complexity of selling her artwork and how the market works. Music greatly influences her work and she talks about always listening to music while she paints.



More About This Work

Academic Units
Research Center for Arts and Culture
Published Here
January 29, 2014


This zip archive contains audio files of an oral history interview and a text file describing themes addressed in the interview. For more information about the ART CART project, please visit their website: