
The TEXT System for Natural Language Generation: An Overview

McKeown, Kathleen

Computer-based generation of natural language requires consideration of two different types of problems: 1) determining the content and textual shape of what is to be said, and 2) transforming that message into English. A computational solution to the problems of deciding what to say and how to organize it effectively is proposed that relies on an interaction between structural and semantic processes. Schemas, which encode aspects of discourse structure, and used to guide the generation process. A focusing mechanism monitors the use of the schemas, providing constraints on what can be said at any point. These mechanisms have been implemented as part of a generation method within the context of a natural language database system, addressing the specific problem of responding to questions about database structure.


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Academic Units
Computer Science
Department of Computer Science, Columbia University
Columbia University Computer Science Technical Reports, CUCS-023-82
Published Here
October 24, 2011