
An Overview of the Isochronets Architecture for High Speed Networks

Yemini, Yechiam; Florissi, Danilo

This paper overviews a novel switching architecture for high-speed networks: Isochronets. Isochronets time-divide network bandwidth among routing trees. Traffic moves down a routing tree to the root during its time band. Network functions such as routing and flow control are entirely governed by band timers and require no processing of frame headers bits. Frame motions need not be delayed for switch processing, allowing Isochronets to scale over a large spectrum of transmission speeds and support all-optical implementations. The network functions as a media-access layer that can support multiple framing protocols simultaneously, handled by higher layers at the periphery. Internetworking is reduced to a simple media-layer bridging. Isochronets provide flexible quality of service control and multicasting through allocation of bands to routing trees. They can be tuned to span a spectrum of performance behaviors outperforming both circuit or packet switching.



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Academic Units
Computer Science
Department of Computer Science, Columbia University
Columbia University Computer Science Technical Reports, CUCS-007-95
Published Here
February 7, 2012