
Influence of Clays on the Shrinkage and Cracking Tendency of SCC

Gao, Xiaojian; Kawashima, Shiho; Liu, Xiaoyan; Shah, Surendra P.

The influence of different types of clay on the shrinkage and cracking tendency of fly ash modified self-consolidating concrete (SCCF) for the application of slipform paving were investigated in this study. The mortar phase of each mix was tested for autogenous shrinkage, total free shrinkage under drying and restrained shrinkage cracking. The mechanical properties (flexural strength, compressive strength, and modulus) were studied to supplement the results of the shrinkage and cracking tests. The plain SCCF mix was compared against the clay-modified SCCF mixes, as well as conventional SCC and slipform concrete (SFC) mixes. The results showed that the very early-age autogenous shrinkage of SCCF mortar was increased by the addition of clays due to adsorption effects. The effects of the clays on total shrinkage under long-term drying were found to depend mainly on the pozzolanic reactivity, but these effects were very slight at low dosages of about 1% by mass of binder. The early-age cracking tendency was aggravated by the clays composed of purified magnesium alumino silicate and metakaolin, but little influenced by the clay composed of kaolinite, illite and silica. Overall, the SCC mixture modified with both fly ash and a small amount of clay showed comparable shrinkage and early-age cracking performances as conventional SFC.


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Cement and Concrete Composites

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Academic Units
Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
Published Here
June 26, 2015