2007 Reports
The scope of science for the International Polar Year, 2007-2008
The International Polar Year 2007““2008 will be the largest internationally coordinated research programme in 50 years. It will be an intensive period of interdisciplinary science focused on the Arctic and the Antarctic. IPY 2007““2008 research activities were assembled from the ideas of researchers in more than 60 countries. A total of 228 projects have been endorsed by the ICSU/WMO Joint Committee for IPY 2007““2008. These projects have a strong interdisciplinary emphasis and address the six themes as well as education and outreach objectives. IPY projects will exploit new technological and logistical capabilities and strengthen international coordination of research. They aim to attract, engage and develop a new generation of researchers and raise the awareness, interest and understanding of polar residents, educators, students, the general public and decision makers worldwide. IPY projects will collect a broad-ranging set of samples, data and information which will be made available to an unprecedented degree. IPY 2007““2008 aims to leave a legacy of enhanced observational systems, facilities and infrastructure. The observational networks to be established during IPY include integrated ocean observing systems in both the Arctic and Southern Oceans, coordinated acquisition of satellite data products from multiple space agencies and observational systems for astronomy, sun““earth physics, atmospheric chemistry, meteorology, ecosystems, permafrost, glaciers and geophysics. Many observing systems within IPY will be developed within the framework of existing international global observing systems.
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More About This Work
- Academic Units
- Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
- Marine Geology and Geophysics
- Publisher
- World Meteorological Organization
- Series
- WMO/TD, 1364
- Published Here
- February 20, 2012