
Isochronets: a High-Speed Network Switching Architecture

Florissi, Danilo

Traditional switching techniques need hundred- or thousand-MIPS processing power within switches to support Gbit/s transmission rates available today. These techniques anchor their decision-making on control information within transmitted frames and thus must resolve routes at the speed in which frames are being pumped into switches. Isochronets can potentially switch at any transmission rate by making switching decisions independent of frame contents. Isochronets divide network bandwidth among routing trees, a technique called Route Division Multiple Access (RDMA). Frames access network resources through the appropriate routing tree to the destination. Frame structures are irrelevant for switching decisions. Consequently, Isochronets can support multiple framing protocols without adaptation layers and are strong candidates for all-optical implementations. All network-layer functions are reduced to an admission control mechanism designed to provide quality of service (QOS) guarantees for multiple classes of traffic. The main results of this work are: (1) A new network architecture suitable for high-speed transmissions; (2) An implementation of Isochronets using cheap off-theshelf components; (3) A comparison of RDMA with more traditional switching techniques, such as Packet Switching and Circuit Switching; (4) New protocols necessary for Isochronet operations; and (5) Use of Isochronet techniques at higher layers of the protocol stack (in particular, we show how Isochronet techniques may solve routing problems in ATM networks).



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Academic Units
Computer Science
Department of Computer Science, Columbia University
Columbia University Computer Science Technical Reports, CUCS-020-93
Published Here
January 27, 2012