
Summary of the Climate Information for Public Health Training Course: Palisades, New York. June 1-12, 2009

Cibrelus, Laurence; Mantilla Caicedo, Gilma Constanza

As the world's attention is increasingly focused on the effects of climate change, it is essential to better understand the role that climate plays in community health and disease. Equally important is the need for decisive, coordinated interaction between climate experts and health workers to decide how best to respond to the variations in climate that in part drive the burden of disease in communities of developing countries. The 2009 Summer Institute on Climate Information for Public Health (SI 09) was designed to engage professionals who play a key role in the operational decision-making for climate-sensitive diseases in identifying and evaluating appropriate use of climate information.


More About This Work

Academic Units
International Research Institute for Climate and Society
International Research Institute for Climate and Society
IRI Technical Report, 09-05
Published Here
June 2, 2010


2009 Summer Institute on Climate Information for Public Health.