
MINIMALIST: An Environment for the Synthesis, Verification and Testability of Burst-Mode Asynchronous Machines

Fuhrer, Robert M.; Nowick, Steven M.; Theobald, Michael; Jha, Niraj K.; Lin, Bill; Plana, Luis

MINIMALIST is a new extensible environment for the synthesis and verification of burst-mode asynchronous finite-state machines. MINIMALIST embodies a complete technology-independent synthesis path, with state-of-the-art exact and heuristic asynchronous synthesis algorithms, e.g.optimal state assignment (CHASM), two-level hazard-free logic minimization (HFMIN, ESPRESSO-HF, and IMPYMIN), and synthesis-for-testability. Unlike other asynchronous synthesis packages, MINIMALIST also offers many options:literal vs. product optimization, single- vs. multi-output logic minimization, using vs. not using fed-back outputs as state variables, and exploring varied code lengths during state assignment, thus allowing the designer to explore trade-offs and select the implementation style which best suits the application. MINIMALIST benchmark results demonstrate its ability to produce implementations with an average of 34% and up to 48% less area, and an average of 11% and up to 37% better performance, than the best existing package. Our synthesis-for-testability method guarantees 100% testability under both stuck-at and robust path delay fault models,requiring little or no overhead. MINIMALIST also features both command-line and graphic user interfaces, and supports extension via well-defined interfaces for adding new tools. As such, it is easily augmented to form a complete path to technology-dependent logic.



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Academic Units
Computer Science
Department of Computer Science, Columbia University
Columbia University Computer Science Technical Reports, CUCS-020-99
Published Here
April 21, 2011