
Evaluation of automated segmentation of hip joint in revision arthroplasty

Domanski, J.; Imielinska, Celina Z.; Skalski, K.; Kwiatkowski, K.; Sowinski, T.

We present a case of a 72-year-old female patient with a history of degenerative hip joint disease for whom a custom-made prosthesis—an acetabulum cage—was designed. With the growing number of total hip arthroplasty (THA) operations and the rapid development of technology, biology, and tissue bioengineering, there is a market to develop new artificial hip joints. The quality of the custom made prosthesis depends on the quality of segmentation to delineate accurately patient’s anatomy. The error of segmentation may propagate to the overall error of the final prosthesis. We evaluate an in-house segmentation method, that was used in the design of the custom made prosthesis, and a commercial segmentation method, using qualitative and quantitative approaches.


Also Published In

International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery

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Academic Units
Radiation Oncology
Published Here
August 13, 2012