Chapters (Layout Features)

Dance magic dance: A case study of AR/360 video and the Performing Arts

Hibbert, Melanie C.; Seeley, Alexis; Lee, Abby

Barnard College has a nationally recognized dance department, and library administrators in collaboration with faculty piloted media and digital tools for dance research, performance, and composition. This chapter highlights three projects: the use of an augmented reality (AR) app, VR/360 video, and long-exposure LED photography as it relates to dance education and the performing arts at Barnard College, Columbia University. While these technologies are new and still in the exploratory stages, this descriptive case study supports the idea that AR/360 tools can offer innovative methods for the recording, scholarship, and instruction around the performing arts. These three projects were the result of a collaboration between Barnard dance faculty members and Barnard IMATS (Instructional Media and Technology Services). While each project was different in technology and scope, all three had a similar goal: to capture, represent, and experience dance in new and innovative ways. This includes a) giving audience members an opportunity to view dance pieces via an AR mobile application that also incorporated archival photographs and site-specificity; b) offering an immersive and viewer-directed method to watch dance via 360/VR video; and c) recording dance scales through time-lapse technology, representing movement through an original method. All three projects have implications for dance education and scholarship.


Also Published In

Library Go: Augmented Reality in Libraries
Rowman & Littlefield

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Full citation: Hibbert, M., Christa, G., Seeley, A., & Lee, A. (2018). Dance magic dance: A case study of AR/360 video and the Performing Arts. In C. Elliot, M. Rose, and J. van Arnhem (Eds.), Library Go: Augmented Reality in Libraries. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.