
In the Spotlight: Biomedical Imaging

Laine, Andrew F.

This article resumes on a selected set of topics and collects promising and recent research advances in the field of multimodal temporal data analysis, high-field magnetic resonance spectroscopy, trends in computer-aided diagnosis and advances in cardiac diagnostic imaging. The first section briefly points to promising work on statistical models for tracking, detection, and segmentation in multimodal temporal imagery. Section III gives a brief snapshot of slice selective free induction decay (FID) acquisition for 7 Tesla high-field MR imaging. Section IV outlines highlights in comparative validation of computer-aided diagnosis and associated image analysis algorithms spanning a variety of application domains from the heart to the eye. Lastly, Section V describes advances in the analysis of real-time three-dimensional (3-D) echocardiography for computing myocardial strain.


Also Published In

IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering

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Academic Units
Biomedical Engineering
Published Here
August 10, 2010