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Physiologically-based Modeling and Visualization of Deformable Lungs

Santhanam, Anand P.; Pattanaik, Sumant N.; Rolland, Jannick P.; Imielinska, Celina Z.; Norfleet, Jack

A real-time physiologically-based breathing model of lungs under normal and pathological scenario has been conceived and implemented. The algorithm developed for lung deformations under various breathing scenarios uses polygonal models of lungs. The method developed avoids the “stiffness” problem observed in Mass-Spring models. Hardware acceleration of the exhalation and the inhalation process is done using vertex shaders. The method of deformation is general and can be applied to any lung model.


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Also Published In

Proceedings of the 11th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications

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Academic Units
Biomedical Informatics
Published Here
September 24, 2014