
Response to Reviews of "Faith, Religion and Theology: A Contemporary Introduction"

Hill, Brennan R.; Knitter, Paul; Madges, William

The following response to our four friendly but challenging reviewers follows the same process and format used in our book. The three of us sat down to determine, first, the issues to be dealt with and then, who would do what. After Denise Lardner Carmody's concise and complete summary of our book's contents and intents, the concerns seemed to fall into three broad categories: (1) The insider-outsider problematic (Barnes); (2) the place of theology in a religiously affiliated university and the roles of spirituality and worship in such a theology (Cunningham); and (3) concerns about our overall method, together with the limitations on such a method resulting from the white, Catholic, middle-class, maleness of all three authors (Carmody and Hinsdale). Paul Knitter responds to the first issue; William Madges to the second, and Brennan Hill to the third.


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Union Theological Seminary
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April 18, 2012