
Delivering Sustainable Infrastructure that Supports the Urban Built Environment

Boyle, Carol; Mudd, Gavin; Mihelcic, James R.; Anastas, Paul; Collins, Terry; Culligan, Patricia J.; Edwards, Marc; Gabe, Jeremy; Gallagher, Patricia; Handy, Susan; Kao, Jehng-Jung; Krumdieck, Susan; Lyles, Lionel D.; Mason, Ian; Mcdowall, Ron; Pearce, Annie; Riedy, Chris; Russell, John; Schnoor, Jerald L.; Trotz, Maya; Venables, Roger; Zimmerman, Julie B.; Fuchs, Valerie; Miller, Sarah; Page, Shannon; Reeder-Emery, Karen

Over 50% of the global population now lives in urban areas. Over the past century, urban areas have expanded at a
greater rate than population growth, increasing requirements
for resources and producing greater impacts on the natural
environment. Urban societies have also changed, with a
greater diversity of cultures, high population densities, and
rising demand for services, resulting in an increasing
complexity of human urban systems. Urban systems influence
and are influenced by infrastructure systems, which
affect the design and management of the built, social, and
natural environments, including future infrastructure decisions.


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Environmental Science & Technology

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Academic Units
Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
Published Here
May 27, 2011


Reprinted with permission from Environmental Science & Technology. Copyright 2010 American Chemical Society.