Theses Doctoral

A Comparative Analysis of the Junior Eysenck Personality Inventory in Traumatized Urban Youth

Hackler, Dusty Renee

This study aimed to determine if Junior Eysenck Personality Inventory (JEPI) scores would differentiate between youth with and without PTSD. More specifically, the study compared JEPI Neuroticism and Extraversion scores across youth with PTSD, trauma exposed youth without PTSD, and non-traumatized youth using a three group case control design. The Children’s PTSD Inventory and unstructured DSM-IV based diagnostic interviews were utilized to determine diagnostic status. Given that prior research has indicated a relationship between neuroticism and internalizing disorders, and as PTSD is primarily an internalizing disorder, it was expected that youth with PTSD would have higher JEPI Neuroticism scores relative to trauma exposed youth without PTSD or case controls. It was further expected that JEPI Neuroticism scores of trauma exposed youth without PTSD and control subjects would not significantly differ. Finally, it was expected that JEPI Extraversion scores would not significantly differ between groups. As expected, youth with PTSD had significantly higher Neuroticism scores relative to traumatized youth without PTSD and controls. The Neuroticism scores of trauma exposed youth without PTSD and controls did not significantly differ. There were no significant differences between groups in regard to Extraversion scores. Implications for research and practice were considered.


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More About This Work

Academic Units
School Psychology
Thesis Advisors
Saigh, Philip A.
Ph.D., Columbia University
Published Here
October 12, 2016