
HIV and maternal mortality: turning the tide

Abdool Karim, Quarraisha; AbouZahr, Carla; Dehne, Karl; Mangiaterra, Viviana; Moodley, Jack; Rollins, Nigel; Say, Lale; Schaffer, Nathan; Rosen, James E.; Zoysa, Isabelle de

The two top causes of death in women of reproductive age globally are HIV/AIDS and complications related to pregnancy and childbearing, which account for 19% and 15% of all deaths in women aged 15–44 years, respectively. The growing burden of HIV infection in young sexually active women and the maternal health problems that they face have been described as two intersecting epidemics. In settings with a high HIV burden and high maternal mortality ratios, especially in sub-Saharan Africa, many HIV-infected pregnant women are confronted not only with the risk of death associated with advancing HIV disease, but also with an increased risk of pregnancy-related death.


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March 22, 2012