1983 Articles
Protein Antigens in the Differentiation of Maize Root and Scutellum
Two-dimensional immunoelectrophoresis and rocket-electrophoresis were used to investigate changes in the pattern of protein antigens in the differentiation of maize root cells. Differential changes in the pattern of cell antigens were revealed. The appearance of two stage-specific antigens which were not organ-specific proteins is characteristic for mature root cells. Mitochondrial biogenesis in maiz root and scutellum is accompanied by changes in mitochondrial antigen pattern.
- Ivanov_1983_Proteins.pdf application/pdf 2.09 MB Download File
Also Published In
- Title
- Biochemie und Physiologie der Pflanzen
- https://doi.org/10.1016/S0015-3796(83)80080-8
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- Academic Units
- Center for Radiological Research
- Published Here
- May 5, 2016