
Queerspawn on the Couch: A Guide for Clinicians Working With Youth and Adults With LGBT Parents

McKnight, Megan

Support for LGBTQ families is on the rise and many research studies have been published proving that children with LGBTQ parents fare just as well as children raised by heterosexual, cisgender parents. However, despite the growing acceptance of LGBTQ families, much of the literature and many community resources have only focused on the parents. We still know very little about the experiences and development of queerspawn. In particular, many are unfamiliar with the kinds of support queerspawn need, the language they may use to speak about their identity/ies, and their unique relationship to queerness and queer community. The culmination of this paper includes clinical recommendations for providers to consider when working in clinical settings with queerspawn.


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Columbia Social Work Review

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Academic Units
Social Work
Published Here
November 17, 2016